doi: 10.18307/2025.0101
严照江1 , 房冲1 , 宋开山1 , 王翔宇1 , 吕云峰2
1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,长春 130102
2. 长春师范大学地理科学学院,长春 130032
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(U2243230,42101366,41971322) ; 吉林省自然科学基金项目(YDZJ202401474ZYTS)联合资助
Advances in remote sensing monitoring of phytoplankton phenology
Yan Zhaojiang1 , Fang Chong1 , Song Kaishan1 , Wang Xiangyu1 , Lv Yunfeng2
1. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130102 , P.R.China
2. School of Geographic Science, Changchun Normal University, Changchun 130032 , P.R.China
Phytoplankton are widely distributed in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Their growth and development show considerable spatial and temporal variation, and their response to climate change is complex. Algal phenology describes the cyclical changes in phytoplankton under long-term adaptation to factors such as climate, water quality and human disturbance, establishing a growth rhythm tuned to environmental conditions. It primarily includes characteristics such as the timing of algal appearance, peak growth and decline or disappearance. Remote sensing technology continuously provides high spatio-temporal resolution data on chlorophyll-a concentrations (an indicator of phytoplankton biomass), allowing long-term monitoring of algal phenology. This paper provided a detailed review of recent advances in remote sensing methods for monitoring and extracting algal phenology, identified current issues and limitations, and looked ahead to future trends. First, it reviewed how existing satellite remote sensing provided comprehensive spatio-temporally continuous information on algal growth. Secondly, it summarized the monitoring of phytoplankton phenological stages and methods for estimating specific algal phenological phases. It also presented common data processing methods used to estimate algal phenology from remote-sensed time series and discussed changing trends in phytoplankton phenological characteristics. Finally, it examined the factors and mechanisms that may influence changes in algal phenology. Based on this analysis, future research on remote sensing of algal phenology should focus on: (1) developing and validating general algorithms suitable for different aquatic environments, integrating machine learning and other intelligent algorithms to improve phenological models and increase the accuracy of phenological monitoring and operational application, (2) combining numerical models with ecosystem dynamics models to investigate the driving mechanisms behind phytoplankton phenology.
1 藻类物候遥感相关文献来源分析
为全面掌握国内外藻类物候遥感相关研究进展,检索了2009—2024年藻类遥感相关研究论文。英文文献来源于Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expand(SCI-EXPANDED)和Social Sciencs Citation Index(SSCI)核心数据库,以“Phytoplankton”“Remote Sensing”“Phenology”为主题词进行检索;中文文献来源于中国知网(CNKI),以“浮游植物”“遥感”“物候”为关键词检索。文献计量分析显示,“Phenology”“Remote Sensing”“Phytoplankton”是近15年间藻类物候遥感领域发表的SCI索引论文中的3个最常用的关键词(图1a)。在检索到的103篇有效论文中,英文论文98篇,中文论文5篇。自2009年以来,藻类物候遥感发文与被引论文数量总体上呈现上升趋势,特别是近3年,藻类物候研究发展迅速,年发文数量和引文数量增加明显,在2021年和2022年都达到了15篇(图1b),藻类物候成为近年来遥感领域的新兴主题和热点之一[21-22]
1(a)以“Phytoplankton”“Remote Sensing”“Phenology”为主题词在Web of science中检索得到的可视化图(关键词越大表示出现频率越高);(b)浮游藻类物候研究发文和引文数量的变化趋势
Fig.1(a) A visualization map retrieved from Web of Science using “Phytoplankton”, “Remote Sensing” and “Phenology” as keywords(the larger the keyword, the higher the frequency of occurrence);(b) Trends in publications and citations on phytoplankton phenology research
2 浮游藻类物候遥感技术发展
在20世纪后期,遥感技术逐渐发展成熟,卫星遥感提供的时间序列数据已经积累到足够的长度,能够揭示藻类物候的年际变化[26-27]。但是,对于高纬度和云层覆盖率高的地区,单一卫星传感器(如Landsat,其单颗卫星重访周期为16天)难以获得长时序数据。对于中小型湖泊,低空间分辨率的卫星数据(如MODIS,空间分辨率为250 m)易导致混合像元,使得藻类物候信息的提取十分困难[28]。这些限制性因素同样会导致水华的严重程度和物候监测的误差增加[29]。因此,通过多源卫星数据融合提高监测的时空分辨率,在一定程度上能减少不确定性因素的影响,从而提高物候监测的准确性。2014年,欧洲航天局(ESA)海洋颜色气候变化倡议(OC-CCI)项目基于SeaWiFS、MODIS和MERIS遥感数据,合并生成并验证了稳定的全球海洋颜色产品时间序列数据[30],这为研究海洋生态系统动态和藻类物候变化提供了坚实的数据基础。Acker等[31]利用SeaWiFS和MODIS数据描述了红海北部藻类的一般季节变化和物候特征。基于上述研究,Raitsos等[32]使用MODIS数据研究了藻类物候与红海环境条件的季节性关系。Demetriou等[33]基于23年(1997—2020年)的多源遥感数据(MODIS-Aqua、NOAA-20-VIIRS、NPP-VIIRS、Sentinel3A-OLCI)分析了塞浦路斯沿海水域藻类生物量和物候的季节性变化。此外,在大陆架边缘海域(斯科舍大陆架[34]、缅因湾[35]、巴伦支海、挪威海、北海[36]、白令海[37]、地中海[38]等)以及广大的中高纬度海域和低纬度热带海域都进行了大量的研究。
Tab.1 Remote sensing data sources for monitoring algal phenology
3 藻类遥感反演模型及物候指标
3.1 叶绿素a反演算法研究进展
3.2 浮游藻类物候指标
Tab.2 Temporal indicators of algal phenology
4 物候遥感提取的技术方法
4.1 Chl.a遥感时序数据预处理方法
Fig.2Processing long-term algal data and extracting phenological parameters
Tab.3 Common data preprocessing methods in remote sensing of algal phenology
拟合法通过某种函数(如傅里叶级数、非对称高斯函数、分段逻辑函数、双Logistic函数等)对时序数据曲线进行最小二乘拟合,用拟合得到的平滑曲线代替原来的时序数据曲线来实现平滑去噪。由于拟合法不需要事先定义阈值或窗口大小,其操作更加方便简单,近年来被广泛应用于时序数据处理中。如Kostadinov等[80]通过减去数据拟合的最小二乘线,使用离散傅里叶变换(discrete fourier transform)将时间序列转换为频域,消除可能的长期趋势以确保正确的时序数据。Palmer 等[77]比较了双逻辑曲线拟合、非对称高斯函数和Savitzky-Golay滤波3种时间序列平滑方法,并与原位Chl.a测得的物候进行比较,探讨方法上的局限性和物候指标之间的相关性。Platt等[25]使用非线性最小二乘法拟合了SeaWiFS叶绿素数据。Maeda等[28]使用局部多项式回归拟合(LOESS)方法进行时间序列平滑处理,该方法对于去除高频噪声和优化物候指标的计算十分有效。此外Grossi等[14]使用5天居中移动均值来平滑Chl.a时间序列数据。
4.2 物候期参数提取方法
4.2.1 阈值法
4.2.2 曲线特征法
4.2.3 数学分析法
5 浮游藻类物候变化的影响因素
5.1 气候要素及其变化对浮游藻类物候的影响
Tab.4 Summary of environmental variables and climate index indicators
5.2 城市化和人类活动对浮游藻类物候的影响
6 结论与展望
1(a)以“Phytoplankton”“Remote Sensing”“Phenology”为主题词在Web of science中检索得到的可视化图(关键词越大表示出现频率越高);(b)浮游藻类物候研究发文和引文数量的变化趋势
Fig.1(a) A visualization map retrieved from Web of Science using “Phytoplankton”, “Remote Sensing” and “Phenology” as keywords(the larger the keyword, the higher the frequency of occurrence);(b) Trends in publications and citations on phytoplankton phenology research
Fig.2Processing long-term algal data and extracting phenological parameters
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