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温天福1, 雷声1, 牛娇1, 贾磊1, 袁晓峰2, 王志超1, 张磊1, 熊斌3, 张阳4
关键词:  单退圩  分洪过程  消落水深  方案优选  鄱阳湖
基金项目:(52169001)、江西省水利科技项目(202325ZDKT14、202224ZDKT20、202124ZDKT02) 、江西省鄱阳湖水资源与环境重点实验室开放(2021SKSH01)
Effects of flood diversion and scheme selection of Lake Poyang semi-restoration polder in 2020
Wen Tianfu1, Lei Sheng1, Niu Jiao1, Jia Lei1, Yuan Xiaofeng2, Wang Zhichao1, Zhang Lei1, Xiong Bin3, Zhang Yang4
1.Jiangxi Academy of Water Science and Engineering;2.Jiangxi Jianhong Consulting Company Limited of Hydraulic Engineering;3.Nanchang Universtiy;4.Jiangxi Hydrological Monitoring Center
Semi-restoration polder of Lake Poyang is an important part of the flood control system in the lake area, and its the scientific application directly affects the flood control safety and the management of the flood detention areas in the lake. The semi-restoration polder of Lake Poyang was fully put into use for the first time in 2020. This paper simulates the flood diversion process of the polder and analyzes its flood diversion effect based on the actual situation of 2020, and uses the fuzzy optimization method to select the optimal operation scheme from the three aspects of water depth, use frequency and average annual loss, and further discusses the problems existing in the institutional mechanism as well as operation management of the semi-restoration polder. The results show that the flood distribution period is concentrated from July 8 to 17 in 2020, with 24.7 billion m3 of the cumulative flood diversion of Lake Poyang, 0.236m of the maximum 24-hour reduction of water depth, meanwhile and the flood distribution efficiency of the polder needs to be further improved since the total flood diversion in the 48 hours accounts for 40.3% of the total capacity. Actually, there is some relationship between the optimal operation scheme and the lake flood process. According to the protection area, the operational levels of optimal scheme are 21.50m (less than 10,000 mu of the protected area) and 21.68m (more than 10,000 mu of the protected area) of the Hukou Station, which the corresponding 48-hour maximum reduction of water depth, activation frequency and average annual loss are 0.621m, 9.80% and 251.6 million yuan, respectively. Capacity reduction of about 200 million m3 due to the local development as well as the imperfection of laws and regulations, management mechanism related to the semi-restoration polder, meanwhile most of the polder inlet facilities cannot meet the requirements of flood diversion efficiency. In order to improve the flood diversion capacity of the semi-restoration polder of Lake Poyang and the role of flood buffer for flood detention area, it is suggested to adjust the flood diversion layout of the polder according to the actual situation, and to establish a decision-making mechanism of collaborative operation to deal with the possible over-standard floods of Lake Poyang in the future.
Key words:  Semi-restoration polder  Flood diversion process  Depth reduction  Scheme optimization  Lake Poyang