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陈浩东1, 张韩2, 付适1, 林镇美1, 刘成1, 陈开宁1, 张余广3, 毛志刚1, 梅雪英2, 刘正文1, 于谨磊1
于2021年调查了河北衡水湖两个湖区的鱼类群落结构、多样性,分析了其时空差异及与环境因子之间的关系.研究共记录到29种鱼类,隶属15科、27属,以鲤科鱼类为主,占渔获物重量的98%;?(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲫(Carassius carassius)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)是衡水湖的优势种.大湖区鱼类的多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数不存在显著的时空差异.置换多因素方差分析显示大湖区鱼类群落结构存在显著的季节差异,其平均相似性百分比差异性超过40%;大、小湖区空间上的差异性为41%.丰度-生物量曲线图表明:大湖区的鱼类群落在不同季节中均受到干扰,其中秋季受的干扰较弱;小湖区的鱼类群落仅在春、夏季受到干扰,而在秋季未受干扰.大湖区鱼类群落与环境因子之间的冗余分析表明:水中总磷(TP)浓度是鱼类群落结构变化最重要的解释因子(解释量为36%);TP、亚硝态氮、透明度和总氮是影响衡水湖大湖区鱼类群落结构的主要环境因子.衡水湖的鱼类群落以小型杂食性鱼类 (如?、鲫、似鳊等)为主、肉食性鱼类数量较少,鱼类小型化趋势明显.因此从水质改善与生态修复的角度,在控制外源污染输入的同时,需调控衡水湖的鱼类群落结构,以增强肉食性对衡水湖生态系统的下行调控作用,削弱杂食性鱼类和浮游动物食性鱼类对水质潜在的负面作用,达到改善水质的目标.
关键词:  温带湖泊  鱼类调控  生态修复  富营养化  鱼类群落结构
The spatiotemporal differences of fish communities and diversity in Hengshui Lake and their relationships with water environmental factors
Chen Haodong,Zhang Han,Fu Shi,Lin Zhenmei,Liu Cheng,Chen Kaining,Zhang Yuguang,Mao Zhigang,Mei Xueying,Liu Zhengwen,Yu Jinlei
1.Aanhui Agricultural University;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The community structure and diversity of fish exhibit a strong correlation with environmental variables. We studied the spatial and temporal patterns of the fish community structure and diversity in both the small and main area of Hengshui Lake throughout 2021. The relationships between fish community structure and environmental factors were analyzed. A total of 29 fish species across 15 families and 27 genera were recorded in Hengshui Lake. Cyprinid species contributed 98% to the total catch by weight. The dominant fish species in Hengshui Lake were Hemiculter leucisculus, Carassius carassius, Hypophthalmus molitrix, and Pseudobrama simoni. There were no seasonal variations in Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H"), Pielou"s evenness index (J) and Margalef"s species richness index (D) of fishes in the main region of the lake. Moreover, spatial differences in these indices were not recorded in the main area of the lake. However, permutational multivariate analysis of variance results highlight significant temporal variations in fish community structure in the main lake region. Similarity percentage analysis revealed an average seasonal difference over 40% in fish communities of the main lake, the spatial difference of fish community structure between the main lake and small lake regions was 41%. The abundance-biomass curve indicated that fish communities in the main lake region were largely disturbed in all sampling seasons. In the small lake region, these disturbances were only observed in spring and summer, while not in autumn. The results of the redundancy analysis indicate that the concentration of total phosphorus in the water of the main lake region has the highest explanatory degree (36%) for changes in fish community structure. The concentrations of total nitrogen and nitrite, and the Secchi depth were also the main contributors which influencing the fish community structure of the main lake in autumn. The fish community structure of Hengshui Lake is dominated by small omnivorous fish, such as H. leucisculus, C. carassius, and P. simoni. However, the abundance of piscivorous fish in the fish assemblages is relatively low. Therefore, in the context of enhancing water quality and ecological restoration, after the reduction of external nutrient loads, it is important to manipulate the fish community structure of Hengshui Lake. This involves strengthening the top-down effect by carnivorous fish, mitigating the potential adverse impacts of omnivorous fish and planktivorous fish on water quality, ultimately working towards the objective of improving water quality.
Key words:  temperate lakes  fish regulation  ecological restoration  eutrophication  fish community structure