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杨玲, 杨慧霞, 王云云, 姚云波, 王顺
关键词:  总溶解气体过饱和  机器学习  预测  梯级水库
Construction and evaluation of total dissolved gas prediction model based on machine learning
Yang Ling, Yang Huixia, Wang Yunyun, Yao Yunbo, Wang Shun
College of Civil Engineering,Guizhou University
The ongoing advancement of cascade reservoirs has resulted in the formation of supersaturated total dissolved gases, which are challenging to disperse in riverine environments. This phenomenon has the potential to precipitate the onset of gas bubble disease and, in extreme cases, may even result in fish mortality. Therefore, the development of a predictive model for total dissolved gases downstream of dams is important for biodiversity conservation. This paper collates data from three dam monitoring stations on the Columbia River in the United States, comprising measurements of water temperature, barometric pressure, flow, dam overflow, and total dissolved gas saturation. These data are used to train three machine learning algorithms, namely, BP neural networks, random forests, and boosted trees, which are then employed to predict total dissolved gas saturation. The performance of the three algorithms is evaluated and compared. Research has found that as the number of significantly correlated input variables increases, the predictive performance of each model shows an upward trend, and different models are affected differently by input factors. Random forest (MAE=1.273, RMSE=1.775, R2=0.952) and boosted tree (MAE=1.268, RMSE=1.622, R2=0.960) have the best prediction performance under the optimal input variable scheme. In the model validation phase, boosted tree and random forest show higher accuracy, with average relative errors of 2.3% and 2.6% between their predicted and measured values. In the model validation phase, the boosted tree model can control the average relative error between the predicted and true values within 2.4%. The model constructed in this study can rapidly and accurately predict total dissolved gas (TDG) saturation in the downstream channel during dam releases. This enables the risk of TDG saturation to be assessed in advance, thereby facilitating the timely adjustment of the discharge scheduling scheme. Protective measures are taken in advance for localized fish sanctuaries, thus reducing the impact of TDG on aquatic ecology. The results of the study can provide some reference value for in-depth machine learning-based total dissolved gas prediction modeling.
Key words:  total dissolved gase  supersaturation  machine learning  predictive modeling  integration algorithms