摘要: |
根据1981-1983年间在东太湖研究基地成功进行四次人工授精所得的受精卵, 对太湖短吻银鱼卵子在卵膜内以及自由胚胎(前期仔鱼)的发育情况作了深入研究, 并作了活体显微照相。太湖短吻银鱼胚胎发育期间具有很强的生命力, 可在静水中孵化水温4.9-14.2℃时, 受精卵经过312小时15分孵化。仔鱼孵出时, 可由头、尾、胸乃至背部先从卵膜突出、弹出或伸出, 以头部先出者居多由此可见, 以前认为以属部最先弹出卵膜, 以及曾报道过仅以头部突膜的描述, 都只是观察到仔鱼出膜的一个侧面。在无外部投饵, 水温12.8—18.8℃时情况下.仔鱼孵出后可以存活12d因此, 可以采用人工授精卵作为移植材料, 向尚无太湖短吻银鱼分布的天然湖泊与人工水库进行移植, 并可取得巨大的经济效益 |
关键词: 太湖短吻银鱼 人工授精 胚胎发育 |
DOI:10.18307/1998.0109 |
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On the Embryonic Development of Salangichthys(Neosalanx)tangkahkeii taihuensis |
Zhang Kaixiang
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Scinences, najing 210008
Abstract: |
The short-snout icefish, Salangichthys(Neosatanx)tangkahkeii taihuensis Chen, is one of commercial fishes in Taihu Imke.Investigation on the embryonic development of this sort of fish was made during the year 1981-1983.The ovarian egg of this fish is demer, colorless, spherical or spheroidal, measuring 0.53-0.82mm in diameter, with extem a1 filaments.The bends in the lake is the spawning ground.Fertilized egg hatching takes 312 hours 15 minutes at the water temperature of 5.9-14.2℃ The just hatched larva is 244mm in tota1 length.with the melanopho rea around the aDus open.Them yotome numberis 42+13:55 In 3 days, larva's mouth begins to open and the air bladder is abounded by gas.The string melonophorss are scattered on the yolk and above the ventral fin fold In 5 days.the yolk is al-most entirely consumed and the 1arve attained 4, 60mm in total 1enth.In 9 days.the yolk is en-tirely consumed.In 12 days.the lalva dies off.It has been found that the fertilized eggs could be used in transplanting.As to lakes and res-ervoirs where there is no ice fish, great economic benifits can be achieved after the transplantation of Salangichthys(Neosalanx)tangkahkeii taihuensis Chen succeeds. |
Key words: Salangichthys(Neosalanx)tangkahkeii taihuensis Chen artificial insemina-tion embryonic development |