





引用本文:黄文钰,杨桂山,许朋柱.太湖流域"零点"行动的环境效果分析.湖泊科学,2002,14(1):67-71. DOI:10.18307/2002.0110
HUANG Wenyu,YANG Guishan,XU Pengzhu.Environmental Effects of "Zero" Actions in Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2002,14(1):67-71. DOI:10.18307/2002.0110
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黄文钰, 杨桂山, 许朋柱
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
太湖流域点源污染治理的"零点"行动对减轻太湖及流域水质的污染具有积极的作用.削减COD量占入湖COD总量的 19.1%,1998年主要入湖河道COD监测浓度年平均值比1997年平均值下降 26.7%,1998年太湖湖水COD年平均浓度比 1997年的平均浓度下降了 21.2%,这在一定的程度上遏制了太湖水质恶化的趋势.但若从根本上改善太湖水质,尚需结合流域地区内其它污染治理措施,形成综合治理.
关键词:  "零点"行动  水环境  效果  太湖
Environmental Effects of "Zero" Actions in Taihu Basin
HUANG Wenyu, YANG Guishan, XU Pengzhu
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China
Since the 1960s the water pollution is pricked up in Taihu Lake.The water quality is decreased about one degree per 10 yeais, 70% of the rivers and lakes are polluted, and 80% of river water quality can not fit the need of national quality standard of Class Eof surface water.At present, the whole lake' water is eutrophication and part of the lake is heavy eutrophication. The "Zero" actions have good effect on lightening the water pollution in Taihu Lake and keep within limits the water quality decreasing in some degree.The COD concentration of input rivers was decreased 26.7% averagely from the year of 1997 to 1998.Among the input rivers, the river of COD concentration maximum decrease was at Wutangqiao-39.6%; the river of COD concentration minimum decrease was at Hexi-1.8%.Otherwise comparison with COD concentrations of input rivers in July, 1998 and 1997,the average total decrease was-14.8%.In 1998 the decrease was-39.8% in September-31.9% in November,and-20.5% in December respectively. The COD quantity from watershed to Taihu Lake was decreased by 19.1%.The average COD concentration in Taihu Lake was decreased by 21.2% After the "Zero" actions,in the year of 1999 and 2000,the water qualities in Taihu Lake are deteriorated again.Thus to control the water quality radically other countermeasures are needed except "Zero" actions.
Key words:  "Zero" action  water environment  effect  Taihu Lake