





引用本文:刘健,陈星,于革,王苏民.东亚小冰期气候形成中太阳辐射和火山灰作用的敏感性试验.湖泊科学,2002,14(2):98-105. DOI:10.18307/2002.0201
LIU Jian,CHEN Xing,YU Ge,WANG Sumin.Sensitivity Experiment of Climate Change in Eastern Asia during the Little Ice Age by Changing Solar Radiation and Volcanic Dust. J. Lake Sci.2002,14(2):98-105. DOI:10.18307/2002.0201
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刘健1, 陈星1,2, 于革1, 王苏民1
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008;2.南京大学大气科学系, 南京210093
利用最新的太阳辐射变化资料和火山灰记录通过气候模式的模拟试验来探讨小冰期气候的形成因子,并揭示其动力学机制.模拟结果较好地反映了在太阳辐射和火山灰作用下典型小冰期东亚地区的温度和降水变化.主要结论是:在小冰期典型强迫条件下,欧亚大陆年平均温度普遍降低,且具有明显的区域差异,高纬度降温幅度大于低纬度,冬季降温幅度大于夏季.我国长江流域以北的广大地区的降温幅度在 0.2-0.4℃之间.不同季风区对火山灰和太阳辐射变化具有不同的响应.东南季风控制的地区 (如我国的华东、华南地区)降水明显减少,年平均减少幅度在 0.5-1.5mm/d之间,西风和西南季风控制的广大地区降水几乎持平或略增,最大年均增幅小于0.5mm/d.这与历史证据和自然记录资料是一致的.
关键词:  小冰期  东亚  太阳辐射  火山灰  模拟
Sensitivity Experiment of Climate Change in Eastern Asia during the Little Ice Age by Changing Solar Radiation and Volcanic Dust
LIU Jian1, CHEN Xing1,2, YU Ge1, WANG Sumin1
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China;2.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R.China
In order to explore main causes and dynamic mechanisms, the latest data of past sequences of solar radiation and volcanic dust are adopted in this paper to simulate the climate change during the Little Ice Age.The results show that the annual mean temperature decreases in Eurasia.The decreases in temperature vary with regions and seasons.The amplitude of decrease in temperature in high latitude is bigger than that in low latitude, and it is higher in winter than in summer.The decrease of annual mean temperature is from 0.2℃ to 0.4℃ in the region to the north of the Yangtze River.Climate in different monsoon region has different response to the changes of solar radiation and volcanic dust.The precipitation is decreased obviously in eastern and southern China, which is controlled by southeastern monsoon climate at present.The annual mean decrease is about 0.5 to 1.5 mm/d.While the precipitation slightly increases or remains almost unchanged in the vast areas which are controlled by westerlies and southwestern monsoon.The maximum annual mean increase is less than 0.5 mm/d.These results are mainly consistent with the historical evidences and natural records.
Key words:  Little Ice Age  Eastern Asia  solar radiation  volcanic dust  simulation