





引用本文:逄勇,丁玲,陈燕羽.苏州金鸡湖水环境治理工程的环境经济分析.湖泊科学,2002,14(3):253-258. DOI:10.18307/2002.0310
PANG Yong,DING Ling,CHEN Yanyu.Environmental Economics Analysis on the Engineering of Improving Water Quality in Jinji Lake, Suzhou City. J. Lake Sci.2002,14(3):253-258. DOI:10.18307/2002.0310
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逄勇, 丁玲, 陈燕羽
河海大学水环境学院, 南京210098
对苏州金鸡湖水环境综合治理的环境效益和经济费用进行了综合分析,得出:工程建成运行后的金鸡湖及周边河道的水质基本可达国家地面水III类水标准.金鸡湖水环境治理工程建成运行后费用约为 0.92元/m3~1.6 2元/m3之间,若考虑金鸡湖水环境改善后地价的升值、旅游收入的增加,金鸡湖水环境治理的经济费用还会降低.总体来看,该项工程环境及社会效益比较明显,经济费用也在比较合理的范围内.
关键词:  金鸡湖  水环境治理工程  环境经济分析
Environmental Economics Analysis on the Engineering of Improving Water Quality in Jinji Lake, Suzhou City
PANG Yong, DING Ling, CHEN Yanyu
College of Aquatic Environment, Hohai university, Nanjing 210098, P.R. China
Jinji Lake is located in the developed area of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.The area of Jinji Lake is about 7.38 km2, with mean water depth of about 1.6 m and a volume of about 0.12×108 m3.According to National Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water of P.R.China, the water quality in Jinji Lake is about Grade IV-V which is mainly caused by the industrial, agricultural and sewage pollution around Jinji Lake.The municipal government of Suzhou City decides that Jinji Lake will become a lake for of sight seeing near the city area, so that the function of the lake will be changed from irrigation to the entertainment.In order to improve the water quality in Jinji Lake, the comprehensive measures is planned to putinto the use in Jinji Lake.The environment benefit and economic expenses of the engineering to improving the water quality in Jinji Lake have been analyzed comprehensively in this paper.The engineering can change the water quality in Jinji Lake from Grade IV-V to Grade III (National Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water, PRC).As cauculated, the expected economic expenses is about 0.92 to 1.62 Yuan RMB/m3.If we consider the rise of landed estate and travel income once the lake water quality has been improved, the economic expenses would be lower.In conclusion, the engineering could bring out obvious environment and social benefits, and the economic expenses is also reasonable.
Key words:  Jinji Lake  engineering for improving the water quality  environmental economic analysis