





引用本文:李文朝,刘正文,胡耀辉,吴庆龙,陈开宁,潘继征.滇池东北部沿岸带生态修复技术研究及工程示范——环境恶化、生态退化现状及其成因.湖泊科学,2004,16(4):305-311. DOI:10.18307/2004.0403
LI Wenchao,LIU Zhengwen,HU Yaohui,CHEN Kainin,WU Qinglong,PAN Jizheng.Studies and Demonstration Engineering on Ecological Restoration Technique in the Littoral Zone of Dianchi Lake: the State and Cause of Environmental Depravation and Ecological Degradation. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(4):305-311. DOI:10.18307/2004.0403
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李文朝, 刘正文, 胡耀辉, 吴庆龙, 陈开宁, 潘继征
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  滇池  沿岸带  生态修复
Studies and Demonstration Engineering on Ecological Restoration Technique in the Littoral Zone of Dianchi Lake: the State and Cause of Environmental Depravation and Ecological Degradation
LI Wenchao, LIU Zhengwen, HU Yaohui, CHEN Kainin, WU Qinglong, PAN Jizheng
Lanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of ScieTices, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
As part of the series studies on ecological restoration technique in the littoral zone of Dianehi Lake, Yunnan Province, this paper revealed the state and cause of environmental depravation and ecological degradation in the North-East littoral zone of Dianchi Lake, and discussed the key obstacle factor for natural restoration.Dianchi Lake is one of the most seriously polluted lakes in the world.Surely the wastewater discharge is the main cause, but another cause is usually ignored, that is the ecological destruction of the littoral zones which ever played a very important role in pollutant degradation and sedimentation.The wetland around the lake has been cut off by constructed concrete dikes, which enhanced wave action in front of the dike and therefore caused soil erosion and destruction of the littoral zone ecosystem.In addition to serious water pollution, all the macrophytes and benthic invertebrate animals have disappeared from the littoral zone.It has become "desert in the water.The construction of the concrete dike around the lake and pollution are the causes of environmental depravation and ecological degradation in the littoral zone, and wave erosion is the key obstacle for natural restoration.Hence, special ecological engineering technique is urgently needed to restore the littoral zone environment and ecosystem in such a lake.
Key words:  Dianehi Lake  littoral zone  ecological restoration