





引用本文:李恒鹏,刘晓玫,杨桂山.太湖地区西苕溪流域营养盐污染负荷结构分析.湖泊科学,2004,16(Z1):89-96. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup12
LI Hengpeng,LIU Xiaomei,YANG Guishan.Nutrient Pollutant Load Analysis of Xitiaoxi Watershed in Taihu Region. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(Z1):89-96. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup12
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李恒鹏, 刘晓玫, 杨桂山
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008
污染负荷研究是实施污染物总量控制、保护水质的基础,由于非点源污染一直是水环境研究的一个难题,致使河流污染负荷估算缺乏合理的估算方法.本项研究针对太湖的富营养化问题,选取太湖上游西苕溪流域,采用GIS的流域分析方法,选取单一土地利用类型的小流域,分析流域土地类型与径流量及流域出口浓度的统计关系,获取不同土地利用类型营养盐污染的产出率,合理估算了西苕溪流域的非点源营养盐污染负荷,并根据西苕溪流域社会经济统计数据及已有的污染产出率研究成果,估算了西苕溪的点源营养盐污染负荷,在此基础上估算了西苕溪流域的营养盐污染总负荷量,分析了不同污染源在总负荷量的比例.最后通过比较估算的总负荷量与实测负荷量,计算了西苕溪流域河网体系对营养盐的降解能力.研究得出, 林地产出径流浓度总氮0.715mg/L、总磷0.039mg/L,耕地产出径流浓度总氮为2.092mg/L, 总磷0.166mg/L,西苕溪流域总氮负荷量为3143.43t/a,非点源污染负荷量为1589.52t/a;总磷负荷量为226.32t/a,非点源为108.36t/a,西苕溪流域河网体系对总氮、总磷的年降解率分别为 35.39%、21.48%.
关键词:  太湖|流域|西苕溪|污染负荷|营养盐
Nutrient Pollutant Load Analysis of Xitiaoxi Watershed in Taihu Region
LI Hengpeng, LIU Xiaomei, YANG Guishan
Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China
The total pollutant load assessment is the key of water quality protection and total quantity control policy. Due to complicated mechanism of non-point pollution, there is lack of the effective methods to assess the non-point pollutant load, and the total pollutant load assessment are limited. This paper, aim at the eutrophication problem of Taihu lake, selects the sub-watersheds in Xitiaoxi watershed and nearby region with one landuse type mainly, analyze the relationship between landuse type and runoff concentration, and assess the nutrient pollutant load. Then, the point pollutant load is assess by the social-economic data and pollutant output rate of different industry type and living water. Based on the assessment of point and non-point pollutant load, the total nutrient pollutant and decay rate are calculated. According to the result of this study, the total nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of runoff from forest land are 0.715mg/l and 0.039mg/l, from agriculture land 2.092mg/l and 0.166mg/l, respectively. The total nitrogen load are 3143.43t/a in Xitiaoxi watershed, non-point nitrogen load is 1589.52t/a. The total phosphorus load are 226.32t/a and non-point phosphorus load is 108.36t/a. In Xitiaoxi river system, the annual decay rate of river network to total nitrogen load and phosphorus are 35.39% and 21.48%, respectively.
Key words:  Taihu Region|Xitiaoxi Watershed|nutrient pollutant load