





引用本文:MohammadBakir,任立良.叙利亚沙漠(Badia盆地)的雨水收获技术.湖泊科学,2004,16(Z1):97-104. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup13
Mohammad Bakir,Ren Li Liang.Harvesting Techniques in Syrian Desert (Badia Basin). J. Lake Sci.2004,16(Z1):97-104. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup13
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MohammadBakir, 任立良
河海大学水资源与环境学院, 南京210024
叙利亚阿拉伯共和国地处地中海东岸,北炜32-37.5,东经35.5-42,属于干旱、半干旱地区,是水资源最缺乏的国家之冬季时短多雨,夏季时长干旱.沿海与内陆降雨分布差别很大.按降雨量分,叙利亚可以分为5个农业区.第五个区(Badia盆地)面积占全国的55%,年降雨约150mm,在五个区中最小,被称为叙利亚沙漠.该地区以平原为主,另有一些山脉,土壤特性为含砂粘性土,长年少雨,夏季多风,蒸发率大,相对湿度随着温度的变化而变化.叙利亚沙漠地区的环境适合草地生长,正因为如此, 这里一直是主要的畜牧场所.为了解决该地区雨水不足的问题,政府兴建了很多重大基础工程来改善这里的植被状况.通过雨水收集工程来解决某些地区的饮用水,牲畜用水和灌溉用水.在不同区域建立了 37 座不同规模的大坝、50座小型水库和在平原谷地、梯田地区修建7个拦水坝,还挖掘了很多水井来储存冬季径流,因地制宜种植植物.所有这些工程都是为了最大限度的利用该地区的降水来发展植被、畜牧业和保证沙漠里牧民生活的基本稳定.这篇论文研究了叙利亚沙漠的多种要素(自然因素,气候因素,植被,牲畜,居民……),以及该地区水资源管理方法鹤和关于雨水收集的技术、条件、方法选择及管理等.
关键词:  雨水收获|叙利亚沙漠|技术
Harvesting Techniques in Syrian Desert (Badia Basin)
Mohammad Bakir, Ren Li Liang
College of Water Resources & Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210024 China
Syrian Arab Republic considers one of the limited waters resources countries, comparison by increasing demand to all the needs. Syria located on the eastern coast to the Mediterranean Sea in the arid and semi-arid zone between altitude/32-37.5/N and longitude/35.5-42/E. Climate is distinguished by rainy short winter and long dry summer. The rainfall is different in distribution between the coast and the inside areas. Syria divides by the rainfall quantity to five agricultural zones. The fifth area represent is the minimized annual rains rate about 150 mm which is 55% from the country square, called the Syrian Desert (Badia). This area characterized flat area included some mountain series, clayey sandy firm atoms soil, little rains, and hard wind in the summer, high rate vaporization. The relative humidity changes according to the temperature. Syrian Desert (Badia) consider suitable environment to the meadows growth, the pastoral for that it considered the main source to feeding animal wealth, for the insufficiency rains in this area, the government established many vital projects foundation to development botanical cover in the area. And that by means of the rainwater harvest projects, for drinking aims, livestock, and irrigation in some areas. For incarnation by establishment 37 dams in separate places and different sizes to reserve runoff in winter and 50 mini-reservoirs, 7 spread water dikes in the flat wide valleys, terraces, in addition to excavation many of wells, plant the suitable pastoral plants in some the areas and all these projects aim for the utilization attempt as much as possible from drop water it falls on this area to development pastoral cover And the animal wealth and the function on the tenants stability within the desert. This paper includes study to impression Syrian Desert (the natural factors, the climatic factors, the pastoral cover, animal wealth the tenants...). and also study water resources management in it, and the followed techniques of rainwater harvest, conditions, and methods selection suitable method and administration.
Key words:  Rainwater harvesting|Syrian desert|Techniques