





引用本文:许有鹏,都金康,王腊春,周寅康.我国东南沿海中小流域洪水模拟研究.湖泊科学,2004,16(Z1):116-123. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup16
XU Youpeng,DU Jinkang,WANG Lachun,ZHOU Yinkang.Research of Flood Simulation in Coastal Medium and Small Basin in Southeast China. J. Lake Sci.2004,16(Z1):116-123. DOI:10.18307/2004.sup16
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许有鹏, 都金康, 王腊春, 周寅康
南京大学城市与资源系, 南京210093
我国东南沿海多为独流入海的中小流域,河流短小,流域调节能力弱.该区洪水历时较短,但危害较大,加之近年来区内经济的迅速发展,洪水造成损失日趋加剧,因此开展此区洪水特性和防洪减灾研究意义重大.本文以中国东南沿海曹娥江流域为典型,根据中小流域洪水的特点,在初步分析流域降雨径流的成因和洪水演进规律的基础上,开展了流域洪水模拟研究, 选择建立了流域降雨径流模型以及洪水演进模型,重点探讨了利用遥感信息和GIS相结合确定水文模型参数的方法和途径,经实验流域资料检验分析,其模拟结果计算精度满足要求.该研究将有助于该区流域降雨径流特性及洪水演变规律的深入研究,同时为东南沿海中小流域洪水模拟预测和防洪减灾研究提供了经验和模式.
关键词:  洪水模拟|模型参数|遥感和GIS|中小流域|东南沿海
Research of Flood Simulation in Coastal Medium and Small Basin in Southeast China
XU Youpeng, DU Jinkang, WANG Lachun, ZHOU Yinkang
Department of Urban and Resources Science, Nanjing University 210093, Nanjing, P.R.China
In southeast China coastal areas there are many rivers of medium or small size that flow into the sea separately. Because the length of rivers is short and the area of basin is small, their flood regulation and storage capacities are low, duration of flow concentration is short, and therefore flood hazard is grave. Especially in recent years, with rapid expansion in regional economy, losses of flooding have also been drastically increased. Thus, it is significant to develop the research of flood characteristics and prevent flood to reduce calamity. In this paper, taking Chinese southeast coastal Cao-E river catchments as typical case, on basis of the characteristic of flood in medium and small basin, the cause of rainfall runoff and flood routing law are being preliminary to analyses. Flood simulated research of basin have been developed, and rainfall runoff model as well as flood routing model are built. Last the paper emphasis on the approaches and methods that model parameters are derived from the information of remote sensing and GIS are discussed, the calculate precision of models is factory requirement by inspection analysis in experiment catchments. This research will be helpful for the research of rainfall runoff characteristics and flood process simulation. Meanwhile, this research will provide valuable information and a mode for flood simulated forecast with prevent flood to reduce calamity research in the medium and small basin.
Key words:  Flood simulation|model parameters|remote sensing and GIS|medium and small basin|southeast coastal area in China