





引用本文:李恒鹏,刘晓玫,李金莲.采用Geodatabase技术构建流域水文系统地理数据库——以太湖地区西苕溪流域为例.湖泊科学,2005,17(3):275-281. DOI:10.18307/2005.0314
LI Hengpeng,LIU Xiaomei,LI Jinlian.Building Watershed Hydrographic Database by Geodatabase Data Model: A Case of Xitiaoxi Watershed in Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(3):275-281. DOI:10.18307/2005.0314
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李恒鹏, 刘晓玫, 李金莲
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
关键词:  太湖流域  Geodatabase  水文系统  数据库  西苕溪
Building Watershed Hydrographic Database by Geodatabase Data Model: A Case of Xitiaoxi Watershed in Taihu Basin
LI Hengpeng, LIU Xiaomei, LI Jinlian
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
The watershed is a complex system with lots of components and relationships among them. How to design the watershed hydrographic database is the key to integrate the watershed information and the hydrographic model for watershed decision analysis. In china, the hydrographic information is mainly acquired from national geographic database and water resource dataliase. Due to the service aims and database technology, there are some shortages for watershed management application. Firstly the database just collects the hydrographic information about flood control and water resource, and lack of water quality information. Secondly, the hydrographic information organized by map layer and lactk of the information about relationship between different waterehed component. Thirdly, the river network is lack of coneot logic relationship, such as connection between river and water body, between river and station location. This paper, using geodatabase technology and Arc Hydro Data Model, designs a watershed database of Xitiaoxi waterslied integrating hydrographic information for hydrologic and water quality analysis, and express the system structure and relationships amor, different components. The watershed boundary, river, outlet are acquired by analyzing DEM using Arc Hydro Toolset in Arcgis environment. The network is built by collecting the flow line, outlet of watershed and lake, monitoring station. The hydrologic relationship is built by Arc Hydro schematic network. In addition, the Time serials are integrated with watershed geodatabase by design tables and relate classes.
Key words:  Taihu Basin  Geodatabase  hydrographic system  Database  Xitiaoxi River