引用本文: | 段洪涛,张柏,宋开山,黄素军,宗明,张树清.长春市南湖富营养化高光谱遥感监测模型.湖泊科学,2005,17(3):282-288. DOI:10.18307/2005.0315 |
| DUAN Hongtao,ZHANG Bai,SONG Kaishan,HUANG Sujun,WANG Zongming,ZHANG Shuqing.Hyperspectral Monitoring Model of Eutrophication in Lake Nanhu, Changchun. J. Lake Sci.2005,17(3):282-288. DOI:10.18307/2005.0315 |
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长春市南湖富营养化高光谱遥感监测模型 |
段洪涛1,2, 张柏1, 宋开山1,2, 黄素军3, 宗明1,2, 张树清1
1.中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 长春 130012;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100039;3.呼和浩特市清洁能源办公室, 呼和浩特 010030
摘要: |
通过对长春市南湖水质参数和高光谱反射率的相关分析,建立两者间的一元回归模型;同时利用日本学者相崎守弘等人提出的修正营养状态指数(TSIM)模型,分别针对水质参数实验室数据和高光谱数据,对长春市南湖富营养化程度进行评价和监测.结果表明:1)利用高光谱遥感监测模型进行湖泊富营养化监测和评价,能够获取较为准确的评价结果,相对于传统监测方法具有省时省力的特点;2)用实验室数据得出的TSIM修正营养状态指数,各点数据起伏比较大,而高光谱遥感监测模型模拟营养状态指数相对平缓,这表明监测模型对各点数据进行了不同程度的同化,相对缩小了同期各点数据和异期同点数据之间的差异,这与实验室化学分析数据监测结果相比是一个不足之处;3)长春市南湖水体呈现较为严重的富营养化状态,需要采取措施防止南湖水质进一步恶化. |
关键词: 富营养化 高光谱 TSIM 长春南湖 |
DOI:10.18307/2005.0315 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40401003,40371082)中国科学院创新领域前沿课题"内陆湖泊水质遥感机理研究"联合资助. |
Hyperspectral Monitoring Model of Eutrophication in Lake Nanhu, Changchun |
DUAN Hongtao1,2, ZHANG Bai1, SONG Kaishan1,2, HUANG Sujun3, WANG Zongming1,2, ZHANG Shuqing1
1.Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS, Changchun 130012, P. R. China;2.Graduate School of CAS, Beijing 100039, P. R. China;3.Office of cean Energe of Hohhot 010030, P. R. China
Abstract: |
This study presents an approach for the determination of tlie trophic state from field reflectance spectra in Lake Nanhu of Changchun, which was in eutrophic status. Reflectance spectra were measured from April to July in 2004, with ASD FieldSpec spectrometer. Based on in situ water sampling and reflectance measurements, algorithms of Chlorophyll-a, TN and TP have been developed. With ihe TSIM trophic state index model, the lake trophic state are monitored and evalaated. The model eqnations as follows:TSIM(chla)=10[2.46 + ln(Chla)/lnt2.5)] TSIM(TN)=10[2.46 + (0.3155 ln(TN) + 4.5998)/ln(2.5)] TSIM(TP)=10[2.46 + (0.3939 ln(TP) + 5.4415)/ln(2.5)] TSIM(AVE)=[TSIM(Chla) + TSIM(TN) + TSIM(TP)]/3 The result shows:1) TSIM model to evaluate lake water trophic state, may obtain accurate result normally, with little time, effort and money; 2) The TSIM trophic states of hyperspectral simulation data, compared with that of laboratory data, narrow the differences of the same point in different months and different points in one same month; 3) Lake Nanhu is in serious eutrophic state, and needs to take measures to prevent the water quality from worsening further. |
Key words: Eutrophication hyperspectral TSIM Lake Nanhu, Changchun |