





引用本文:王卫红,季民,王苗苗,张楠,唐运平,张志杨.川蔓藻在再生水体中对普通小球藻的化感作用.湖泊科学,2007,19(3):321-325. DOI:10.18307/2007.0314
WANG Weihong,JI Min,WANG Miaomiao,ZHANG Nan,TANG Yunping,ZHANG Zhiyang.Allelopathy of Ruppia Maritima on Chlorella Vulgaris in reclaimed wastewater. J. Lake Sci.2007,19(3):321-325. DOI:10.18307/2007.0314
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王卫红1, 季民1, 王苗苗2, 张楠2, 唐运平3, 张志杨3
1.天津大学建筑学院, 天津 300072;2.天津大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300072;3.天津市环境保护科学研究院, 天津 300191
采用川蔓藻植株体与普通小球藻在再生水中共培养和使用再生水种植川蔓藻的种植水纯培养普通小球藻的方法, 在实验室条件下研究了在滨海再生水河道中生长的沉水植物川蔓藻对小球藻的化感作用。结果表明, 川蔓藻对普通小球藻具有显著的抑制作用。在共培养实验中, 96h的抑制率为88.86%;在种植水纯培养实验中, 96h的抑制率为48.91%。川蔓藻的种植水对普通小球藻的化感作用系数平均为-0.2448。川蔓藻的叶和根的种植水对普通小球藻均有抑制效果, 96h的抑制率为叶34.71%, 根14.12%;平均的化感作用系数叶为-0.1317, 根为-0.0901;川蔓藻的根和叶均能释放化感物质, 但抑制小球藻的化感物质主要通过叶释放。
关键词:  川蔓藻  普通小球藻  化感作用  再生水
Allelopathy of Ruppia Maritima on Chlorella Vulgaris in reclaimed wastewater
WANG Weihong1, JI Min2, WANG Miaomiao2, ZHANG Nan2, TANG Yunping3, ZHANG Zhiyang3
1.School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China;2.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China;3.Academy of Environmental Science, Tianjin300191, P. R. China
It is reported in this paper that the results of allolepathy test of Ruppia maritima L. on Chlorella vulgaris with co-culture in reclaimed wastewater and pure culture in the filtrate of liquious cultured the macrophyte.Chlorella vulgaris co-cultivated with Ruppia maritima in reclaimed wastewater indicated that Ruppia maritima had remarkable inhibition on Chlorella vulgaris.On co-culture experiment, at 96h inhibition ratio was 88.86%;the competition of the nutrients had contribution to the growth which inhibited the Chlorella vulgaris.On pure culture experiment with the filtrate of liquious cultured entire plant, leaves and roots of Ruppia maritima, the results of pure culture was inhibition activities on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris with the filtrate of entire plant, leaves and roots of Ruppia maritima, at 96h inhibition ratio of leaves and roots were 48.91%, 34.71% and 14.12%, the al lolepathic effect of equal coefficient Et of plant, leaves and roots were -0.2448, -0.1317 and -0.0901.The allolepathy parameter Et of Ruppia maritime on Chlorella vulgaris was derived from the modified Logistic equation.Leaves and roots of Ruppia maritima were capable of releasing allelopathically active compounds, but the inhibitory activity of allelopathically active compounds mainly came from the leaves tissue.
Key words:  Ruppia maritima  Chlorella vulgaris  allelopathy  reclaimed wastewater