





引用本文:王智,吴幸强,肖邦定,涂新海.表面活性剂在滇池水体中的生物降解.湖泊科学,2008,20(1):51-57. DOI:10.18307/2008.0108
WANG Zhi,WU Xingqiang,XIAO Bangding,TU Xinhai.Biodegradation of surfactants activators in water of Lake Dianchi. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(1):51-57. DOI:10.18307/2008.0108
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王智1,2, 吴幸强1,2, 肖邦定1, 涂新海1,2
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 武汉 430072;2.中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
利用河水衰减法研究阴离子表面活性剂(LAS)和非离子表面活性剂(NIS)在滇池水体中不同条件下的生物降解规律.结果表明:在滇池自然水体中,LAS和NIS均能生物降解,在试验时间(30d)内,L,AS的降解率达95%以上,NIS的降解率达92%以上,其降解动力学遵从二级动力模型.改变水温、表面活性剂初始浓度、pH值以及添加营养物质(葡萄糖或磷酸氢二钠)均对LAS和NIS的降解有一定的影响.水温对表面活性剂生物降解影响最大,当水温从20℃增至30℃时,LAS的降解速率从0.73-1增至2.10d-1,NIS降解半衰期从11.5d减至4.4d;表面活性剂初始浓度增加,降解半衰期有所增加;表面活性剂在pH 7时的降解性能略优于pH 10时的降解性能;添加葡萄糖抑制LAS和NIS的降解,而添加磷源磷酸氢二钠对其降解有一定的促进作用;曝气能促进LAS的降解,但对NIS降解的促进作用并不明显.
关键词:  LAS  NIS  生物降解  降解动力学  滇池
Biodegradation of surfactants activators in water of Lake Dianchi
WANG Zhi1,2, WU Xingqiang1,2, XIAO Bangding1, TU Xinhai1,2
1.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
Biodegradation of anion-surfactant (LAS) and non-ion surfactant (NIS) in water of Lake Dianchi under the different incubationconditions were studied by the ‘river die-away' method in this paper. The results showed that LAS and NIS could be biodegradated bymicroorganisms in the water of Lake Dianchi. The percentages of degradation of LAS and NIS were more than 95% and 92% after 30days respectively. The biodegradation of LAS and NIS fitted the second kinetic model and the correlation coefficient values were among0.956 to 0.999. Incubation temperature, initial concentrations of surfactants, pH value and nutrients (glucose or Na2HPO4) could affect thebiodegradation of LAS and NIS, Incubation temperature was the major factor influence on biodegradation of surfactant in water of LakeDianchi. When the incubation temperature increased from 20 to 30, the biodegradation rate of LAS increased from 0.73 d-1 to 2.10d-1 and the degradation half-life of NIS reduced from 11.5 d to 4.4 d. Increased the initial concentrations of surfactants led to a littleincrease of the degradation half-life of LAS and NIS. The biodegradation of surfactants at pH 7 was slightly easier than that of at pH 10.The degradation of NIS and LAS could be inhibited by added glucose but be promoted by added Na2HPO4. Aeration could accelerate thedegradation of LAS but had limited promotion on the degradation of NIS.
Key words:  LAS  NIS  biodegradation  degradation kinetics  Lake Dianchi