





引用本文:杨俊峰,王跃峰,赵虹,白朝军,方怀宾,白国典.西藏结则茶卡湖岸浅井记录及湖泊演化.湖泊科学,2008,20(1):83-87. DOI:10.18307/2008.0112
YANG Junfeng,WANG Yuefeng,ZHAO Hong,BAI Chaojun,FANG Huaibin,BAI Guodian.The records of shallow well in Lake Jiezechaka shoreline of Tibet and the lake evolution. J. Lake Sci.2008,20(1):83-87. DOI:10.18307/2008.0112
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杨俊峰1, 王跃峰1, 赵虹2, 白朝军1, 方怀宾1, 白国典1
1.河南省地质调查院, 郑州 450007;2.长安大学地球科学与国土资源学院, 西安 710054
藏西北结则茶卡湖面到高位湖岸线间湖泊记录发育,沿岸湖积物中3个U系年龄分别为14.2±1.2kaBP、38.0±3.5 kaBP和41.6±3.2 kaBP,6个浅井沉积物中CaO、MgO、NaCl、LiCl、B2O3的含量与沉积物形成时代和环境有一定的关联性.在中更新末期,该湖可能处于高湖位期,随着晚更新世初期以来气候变干,湖面开始下降,湖泊逐渐萎缩,湖水盐度逐渐增加,Ca和Mg含量变高,但在30kaBP左右,气候有过短暂湿润期,湖水出现返淡趋势,之后湖水进一步浓缩,湖水中Na、B、Li含量显著增高,盐湖大约在15kaBP左右形成.
关键词:  浅井  盐湖  湖泊演化  结则茶卡
The records of shallow well in Lake Jiezechaka shoreline of Tibet and the lake evolution
YANG Junfeng1, WANG Yuefeng1, ZHAO Hong2, BAI Chaojun1, FANG Huaibin1, BAI Guodian1
1.Geological Survey Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450007, P. R. China;2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, P. R. China
The lacustrine sediments deposited between the present water level and the high perched lake shoreline in Lake Jiezechakalocated in the northwestern Tibet provided good records of the lake evolution history. The three U series ages of the lacustrine sedimentsalong the bank are 14.2±1.2kaBP, 38.0±3.5kaBP and 41.6±3.2 kaBP, respectively. The contents of CaO, MgO, NaCl, LiCl and B2O3 in sixshallow wells are related to the age and environment when the sediments were deposited. In the end of middle Pleistocene, the lakeshoreline lied in the high perched position probably. From the early period of the Late Pleistocene, the levels of the lake began fallingbecause of the dry climate. The lake shrank gradually and the salinity was increased. Ca and Mg also increased correspondingly. However,around 30kaBP, there was a short wet period when the lacustrine water became less salty. Then, the lake water was further condensed withthe increases in the content of Na, B, and Li significantly. The present salt lake was formed at about 15 kaBP.
Key words:  Shallow well  salt lake  lake evolution  Lake Jiezechaka