





引用本文:钟继承,刘国锋,范成新,白秀玲,李宝,张路,丁士明.湖泊底泥疏浚环境效应:Ⅲ.对沉积物反硝化作用的影响.湖泊科学,2009,21(4):465-473. DOI:10.18307/2009.0403
ZHONG Jicheng,LIU Guofeng,FAN Chengxin,BAI Xiuling,LI Bao,ZHANG Lu,DING Shiming.Environmental effect of sediment dredging in lake: Ⅲ. Influence of dredging on denitrification in sediments. J. Lake Sci.2009,21(4):465-473. DOI:10.18307/2009.0403
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钟继承, 刘国锋, 范成新, 白秀玲, 李宝, 张路, 丁士明
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008
关键词:  底泥疏浚  反硝化  环境因子  太湖
Environmental effect of sediment dredging in lake: Ⅲ. Influence of dredging on denitrification in sediments
ZHONG Jicheng, LIU Guofeng, FAN Chengxin, BAI Xiuling, LI Bao, ZHANG Lu, DING Shiming
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
A laboratory experiment for studying the effects of sediment dredging on denitrification process was carried out through a one-year incubation of undredged sediments (control) and dredged sediment cores. Denitrification rates in the sediments were estimated by means of the acetylene blockage technique. During the experiments, the denitrification rates in the undredged and dredged sediments ranged from 21.6 to 102.7nmol/(g·h) and from 6.9 to 26.9nmol/(g·h), respectively. The denitrification rates in the undredged sediments were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those in the dredged sediments throughout the incubation period, with an exception of February 2006. The relative importance of various environmental factors on denitrification was assessed, and the results indicated that denitrification rates in both undredged and dredged sediments were regulated by temperature controls. Nitrate was likely to be the key factor limiting denitrification rates in both undredged and dredged sediments. Organic carbon played some role in determining the denitrification rates in the dredged sediments, but not in the undredged sediments. Potential denitrification in the early dredged sediments couldn't reach a high rate as that in undredged sediments, which should be considered as a potential negative effect for nitrogen removal.
Key words:  Sediment dredging  denitrification  environmental factors  Lake Taihu