





引用本文:刘成林,谭胤静,林联盛,陶海南,谭晦如.鄱阳湖水位变化对候鸟栖息地的影响.湖泊科学,2011,23(1):129-135. DOI:10.18307/2011.0119
LIU Chenglin,TAN Yinjing,LIN Liansheng,TAO Hainan,TAN Huiru.The wetland water level process and habitat of migratory birds in Lake Poyang. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(1):129-135. DOI:10.18307/2011.0119
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刘成林1, 谭胤静2, 林联盛3, 陶海南3, 谭晦如2,3
1.南昌大学建筑工程学院, 南昌 330031;2.江西省科学院生物资源研究所, 南昌 330029;3.江西省山江湖委员会办公室, 江西省遥感信息系统中心, 南昌 330046
鄱阳湖越冬候鸟保护最重要的环节是保护栖息地, 候鸟栖息地的面积和空间分布随水位过程而变化.在分析认定鄱阳湖湿地景观分类中水陆过渡带及其上下摆动区(稀疏草滩区和浅水区)为越冬候鸟主要栖息地的基础上, 选择不同水位的遥感影像资料, 经解译定量分析不同水位水陆过渡带面积及其空间分布, 从而分析不同水位条件对候鸟栖息地的影响.进而分析研究鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区微地形水位过程候鸟栖息地变化及对候鸟越冬的影响, 提出湖泊湿地候鸟栖息地(水陆过渡带)水位过程的自然变化, 尤其是湖泊湿地微地形水位过程变化是保证候鸟(尤其是水禽)越冬的重要影响因素.枯水期鄱阳湖水位14.18m(星子站, 黄海高程)以上时, 水陆过渡带将缩小乃至消失, 鄱阳湖湿地作为越冬侯鸟柄息地的功能将丧失。
关键词:  鄱阳湖  水位过程  候鸟  栖息地
The wetland water level process and habitat of migratory birds in Lake Poyang
LIU Chenglin1, TAN Yinjing2, LIN Liansheng3, TAO Hainan3, TAN Huiru2,3
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, P.R.China;2.Institute of Biology Resource, Jiangxi Academy of Science, Nanchang 330029, P.R.China;3.Center for Remote Sensing of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330046, P.R.China
The habitat preservation is important for the protection of migratory birds wintering in Lake Poyang, while the bird habitat area and spatial distribution change along with water Level processes.This paper analyzed the topography classification of wetland transitional zone of Lake Poyang and fluctuating area in the water and land(sparse marsh areas and shallow water) as wintering habitat for migratory birds.Then we selected remote-sensing image data under different water level and obtained dififerent water surface area of the transitional zone and its spatial distribution, and analyzed various water level conditions influence on the habitat of migratory birds.Through analysis of Lake Poyang National Nature Reserve, under the topography of water level processes, changes in migratory birds and their habitat of migratory birds wintering in the impact of the proposed wetland birds on the lake habitat (land and water trangition zone), the natural water level process was important measures for ensuring the migratory birds(especially waterfowl)living through the winter in Lake Poyang.
Key words:  Lake Poyang  water level process  migratory birds  habitat