





引用本文:杨凤娟,杨扬,潘鸿,阿丹,李丽,乔永民,钟铮.强化生态浮床原位修复技术对污染河流浮游动物群落结构的影响.湖泊科学,2011,23(4):498-504. DOI:10.18307/2011.0402
YANG Fengjuan,YANG Yang,PAN Hong,A Dan,LI Li,QIAO Yongmin,ZHONG Zheng.Effect of an enhanced ecological floating bed (EEFB) on zooplankton community in a polluted river. J. Lake Sci.2011,23(4):498-504. DOI:10.18307/2011.0402
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杨凤娟1, 杨扬1,2, 潘鸿1, 阿丹1, 李丽1, 乔永民1, 钟铮1
1.暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632;2.热带亚热带水生态工程教育部工程研究中心, 广州 510632
对强化生态浮床原位修复技术修复南方重污染感潮河流过程中浮游动物的种群动态变化进行研究, 探讨浮游动物群落结构变化特征与河流水质改善状况的相互关系.结果显示, 经强化生态浮床处理后, 重污染感潮河流水质得到改善, 浮游动物的种类由修复工程实施前的5种增加到49种, 且由单一耐污种转变为多种种类共存;示范区各月浮游动物个体丰度较对照区都有极显著增加(P<0.01), 由修复前最低1.22ind./L, 达到示范区最高47.19ind./L;示范区的多样性指数也有显著提高, 其中Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)由初始的1.27、2.22, 分别提高到1.62和3.12.本研究中示范区表现出了比对照区更强的浮游动物多样性恢复能力, 表明强化生态浮床原位修复技术的应用在提升受污水体的生态恢复效能方面取得了显著的功效。
关键词:  浮游动物  群落结构  强化生态浮床  感潮河流
Effect of an enhanced ecological floating bed (EEFB) on zooplankton community in a polluted river
YANG Fengjuan1, YANG Yang1,2, PAN Hong1, A Dan1, LI Li1, QIAO Yongmin1, ZHONG Zheng1
1.Research Center of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, P.R.China;2.Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center of Tropical and Subtropical Aquatic Ecological Engineering, Guangzhou 510632, P.R.China
This paper studied the dynamic variation of zooplankton population during the process of in-situ restoration of a heavily polluted tidal river in southern China by the technology of enhanced ecological floating bed (EEFB) and explored the changing characteristics of zooplankton community structure responding to the river water quality improvement.The results showed that the river water quality was improved after treated by EEFB,and the species of zooplankton increased from 5 to 49 and there occurred co-existence of multiple species instead of single pollution resistant species after implementing the restoration engineering.There was also a significant rise (P<0.01) of monthly zooplankton richness,namely,increasing from the lowest 1.22 ind./L to the highest 47.19 ind./L after the restoration work in the demonstration area comparing to the control area.The diversity index also achieved notable increase,of which Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H') and Margalef species richness index(D)increased from the original 1.27 and 2.22 to 1.62 and 3.12,respectively.In the demonstration area zooplankton diversity showed higher recovery ability than that in the control area which indicated that the employment of in-situ restoration technology of EEPB was effective in raising the ecological recovery efficiency of polluted water bodies.
Key words:  Zooplankton  community structure  enhanced ecological floating bed  tidal river