





引用本文:朱端卫,朱红,倪玲珊,肖鹏程.沉水植物驱动的水环境钙泵与水体磷循环的关系.湖泊科学,2012,24(3):355-361. DOI:10.18307/2012.0305
ZHU Duanwei,ZHU Hong,NI Lingshan,XIAO Pengcheng.Relationship between calcium pump driven by submerged macrophytes and phosphorus cycle in water. J. Lake Sci.2012,24(3):355-361. DOI:10.18307/2012.0305
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朱端卫, 朱红, 倪玲珊, 肖鹏程
华中农业大学资源与环境学院植物营养与生态环境研究室, 武汉 430070
关键词:  沉水植物  钙泵  CaCO3-P共沉淀  上覆水  沉积物  磷循环
Relationship between calcium pump driven by submerged macrophytes and phosphorus cycle in water
ZHU Duanwei, ZHU Hong, NI Lingshan, XIAO Pengcheng
Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Ecological Environment Research, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, P. R. China
Phosphorus cycle in water contains processes of various abiotic and biotic transformations of phosphorus in water column and corresponding sediments. Calcium in the sediment can be up-taken by submerged macrophytes and then released to the water column from the leaves, which can form calcium carbonate with CO32- in the water column. In this process, a small amount of soluble phosphorus incorporated into calcium carbonate forming CaCO3-P coprecipitation, leading to the transformation of soluble phosphorus to hard dissolved phosphorus. This kind of calcium pump driven by submerged macrophytes in water environment plays an important role in the phosphorus cycle. Research proves that CaCO3-P coprecipitation can be formed on the leave surface of submerged macrophyte Potamogeton crispus and the content of total phosphorus in the coprecipitation changes in a wide range. In addition, the coprecipitation of calcium and phosphorus in the newly-formed sediments exists a process that polyphosphate can evolve to apatite gradually. It is not clear if this process occurred during the coprecipitation of calcium and phosphorus on the leave surface of submerged macrophytes is related to the phosphorus removal by submerged macrophytes. In this review, the research progress on the contributions of calcium transportation to the phosphorus cycle in the water system was introduced in detail, together with phosphorus cycle, function of calcium, and calcium pump hypothesis driven by submerged macrophytes and its implications.
Key words:  Submerged macrophytes  calcium pump  CaCO3-P coprecipitation  overlying water  sediment  phosphorus cycle