





引用本文:高喆,曹晓峰,黄艺,李发荣.滇池流域水生态功能一二级分区研究.湖泊科学,2015,27(1):175-182. DOI:10.18307/2015.0120
GAO Zhe,CAO Xiaofeng,HUANG Yi,LI Farong.Research of level Ⅰ and Ⅱ aquatic ecological function regionalization in Lake Dianchi basin. J. Lake Sci.2015,27(1):175-182. DOI:10.18307/2015.0120
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高喆1, 曹晓峰1,2, 黄艺1, 李发荣3
1.北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 北京 100871;2.北京大学环境与能源学院, 深圳 518055;3.昆明市环境监测中心, 昆明 650228
关键词:  水生态功能分区  滇池流域  指标体系  合理性评价
Research of level Ⅰ and Ⅱ aquatic ecological function regionalization in Lake Dianchi basin
GAO Zhe1, CAO Xiaofeng1,2, HUANG Yi1, LI Farong3
1.College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China;2.School of Environment and Energy, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, P. R. China;3.Kunming Environmental Monitoring Center, Kunming 650228, P. R. China
The aquatic ecological function regionalization is the basic requirement of water resources management, water environment protection and water ecology restoration. Especially for lake basins which are connected closely with human activities and filled with inconsistencies, the aquatic ecological function regionalization is an indispensable condition of realizing sustainable development in the watershed. So how to delineate reasonable ecological function regionalization becomes the major issue to be addressed in the integrated watershed management. In the case of Lake Dianchi basin, the dominant water ecological functions are first determined according to the current problems of water ecosystems. And in the premise of hydrological integrity, sub-catchment units are divided for the first and the second level regionalization respectively. Then we indentify the key factors that affect water ecological function significantly and construct the index system for the watershed based on the relative theories, including ecosystem service function, scale effect and rule of territorial differentiation. The overlaying and clustering methods are used for multiple indices. Then final boundary is adjusted slightly according to water quantity and quality distribution. The consequence shows that Lake Dianchi basin is divided into 5 level Ⅰecological function regions and 10 level Ⅱecological function regions. By using the density of periphytic algae and Limnodrilus, assessment is made on the reasonability of regionalization. Finally the problems remained in the water ecological function regionalization are discussed.
Key words:  Water ecological function regionalization  Lake Dianchi basin  index system  reasonability evaluation