





引用本文:王英华,陈雷,牛远,余辉,罗明科.丹江口水库浮游植物时空变化特征.湖泊科学,2016,28(5):1057-1065. DOI:10.18307/2016.0516
WANG Yinghua,CHEN Lei,NIU Yuan,YU Hui,LUO Mingke.Spatio-temporal variation in phytoplankton community and its influencing factors in Danjiangkou Reservoir. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(5):1057-1065. DOI:10.18307/2016.0516
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王英华1,2, 陈雷1, 牛远2, 余辉2, 罗明科2
1.吉林建筑大学市政与环境学院, 长春 130118;2.中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室, 北京 100012
为研究丹江口浮游植物的群落特征,探讨影响浮游植物时空分布的环境因子,于2014年5月-2015年4月对丹江口水库进行了为期1年的调查.此次调查共采集到浮游植物66种,隶属于7门21科38属.浮游植物全年平均生物量为0.35 mg/L,平均密度为9.08×105 cells/L.优势种为脆杆藻、小环藻、直链藻和栅藻,其中脆杆藻所占比例最大,平均生物量为0.089 mg/L,占总生物量的25.43%.近些年丹江口水库营养水平的提高可能是脆杆藻生物量升高的主要原因.绿藻和蓝藻在夏季大量繁殖,硅藻为春、秋和冬季优势门类.汉江库区浮游植物生物量大于丹江库区,两个库区的浮游植物种类组成存在明显的差异,丹江库区优势门类为硅藻门,而汉江库区为绿藻门.浮游植物生物量与环境因子的相关分析表明,浮游植物生物量的主要影响因子是总磷浓度、pH值和溶解氧浓度.RDA分析表明,影响浮游植物组成的主要环境因子是溶解氧浓度、pH值、总磷浓度和水温.为控制浮游植物的生物量,防止其异常增殖造成水华,应严格控制外源营养盐特别是磷元素的输入.本研究可为丹江口水库的水质改善及富营养化防治提供一定的科学依据.
关键词:  丹江口水库  浮游植物  时空变化
Spatio-temporal variation in phytoplankton community and its influencing factors in Danjiangkou Reservoir
WANG Yinghua1,2, CHEN Lei1, NIU Yuan2, YU Hui2, LUO Mingke2
1.School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Jilin Jianzhu University, Changchun 130118, P. R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, P. R. China
In order to explore the spatiotemporal variations in phytoplankton community and its influencing factors in Danjiangkou Reservoir, we conducted a one-year survey from May 2014 to April 2015. Sixty-six species, including 38 genera, 21 families and 7 phyla, were identified in the survey. The average biomass of phytoplankton is 0.35 mg/L, while the average density is 9.08×105 cells/L. Dominant species are Fragilaria spp., Cyclotella spp., Melosira spp., and Scenedesmus spp.. Fragilaria spp. is the most dominant specie, and its average biomass is 0.089 mg/L, making up 25.43% of total biomass. In recent years, high level of nutrient may be the main cause of increasement in Fragilaria biomass in Danjiangkou Reservoir. Chlorophyta and cyanobacteria bloomed in summer, while diatom dominated in spring, autumn and winter. Total phytoplankton biomass in Han Reservoir is greater than that of Dan Reservoir. There were significant differences in phytoplankton composition between these two reservoirs. The dominant phylum of Dan Reservoir is Bacillariophyta, while the dominant phylum of Han Reservoir is Chlorophyta. There was significant correlation of the phytoplankton biomass with phosphorus, pH and dissolved oxygen, respectively. RDA analysis showed that the major environmental factors affecting phytoplankton community were dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphorus and temperature. For preventing the algae blooms, strict measures should be taken to control the input of exogenous nutrient especially phosphorus. This study provides scientific basis for water quality improvement and control of eutrophication at Danjiangkou Reservoir.
Key words:  Danjiangkou Reservoir  phytoplankton  spatio-temporal variation