





引用本文:曾群,张海东,陈晓玲,田礼乔,李文凯,王国良.MERIS影像水环境遥感大气校正算法评价——以鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度反演为例.湖泊科学,2016,28(6):1306-1315. DOI:10.18307/2016.0616
ZENG Qun,ZHANG Haidong,CHEN Xiaoling,TIAN Liqiao,LI Wenkai,WANG Guoliang.Evaluation on the atmospheric correction methods for water color remote sensing by using MERIS image:A case study on chlorophyll-a concentration of Lake Poyang. J. Lake Sci.2016,28(6):1306-1315. DOI:10.18307/2016.0616
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曾群1,2, 张海东2, 陈晓玲3, 田礼乔3, 李文凯2, 王国良3
1.华中师范大学学报编辑部, 武汉 430079;2.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院, 武汉 430079;3.武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 武汉 430079
MERIS是2002年发射的在轨运行近10年的ENVISAT-1卫星上搭载的主要传感器之一,在波段设置和辐射灵敏度等方面有非常突出的优势,能够较好地运用于Ⅱ类水体叶绿素a浓度反演,但Ⅱ类水体的大气校正仍然是亟待解决的一个关键问题.以我国第一大淡水湖——鄱阳湖为研究区域,采用FLAASH、6S、BEAM和QUAC共4种大气校正算法对2005和2011年具有同步实测光谱数据的鄱阳湖ENVISAT-1卫星MERIS影像进行大气校正处理,并对12种叶绿素a浓度反演模型的波段组合因子进行大气校正效果的对比分析.结果表明:(1)4种大气校正中,大气校正结果精度由高到低表现为FLAASH >6S >BEAM >QUAC,平均相对误差分别为31.13%、31.88%、69.48%和42.64%;决定系数(R2)分别为0.60、0.57、0.38和0.24;(2)在12种叶绿素a浓度反演模型的波段组合因子中,FLAASH得到的结果最优,其次是6S,BEAM和QUAC最差,在FLAASH算法中,由665、708和753 nm 3个波段遥感因子((Rrs(510)/[Rrs(443)/Rrs(560)])组成的模型精度最高,平均相对误差为25.12%,R2为0.74.建议采用FLAASH大气校正结果组成这个波段组合进行鄱阳湖叶绿素a浓度反演.
关键词:  水色遥感  大气校正  叶绿素a  MERIS  FLAASH  6S  BEAM  QUAC  鄱阳湖
Evaluation on the atmospheric correction methods for water color remote sensing by using MERIS image:A case study on chlorophyll-a concentration of Lake Poyang
ZENG Qun1,2, ZHANG Haidong2, CHEN Xiaoling3, TIAN Liqiao3, LI Wenkai2, WANG Guoliang3
1.Editorial Department of Journal, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China;2.School of Urban and Environment Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China;3.State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China
MERIS is the sensor of ENVISAT-1 satellite in orbit nearly 10 years, which was launched in 2002. The band setting and radiation sensitivity of MERIS could well be applied to chlorophyll-a concentration inference, but the atmospheric correction in Case Ⅱ water is still a key problem. Taking the Lake Poyang, the biggest freshwater lake in China as a case, the results of ENVISAT-1 satellite MERIS images using FLAASH, 6S, BEAM and QUAC atmospheric correction algorithms in 2005 and 2011 with simultaneous in-situ spectral data was evaluated. The band combination factor of 12 chlorophyll-a retrieval models were also assessed. Results show that:(1) the order of atmospheric correction accuracy from high to low are FLAASH, 6S, BEAM, QUAC, with the mean relative error of 31.13%, 31.88%, 69.48% and 42.64%, respectively; and the determination coefficients (R2) of 0.60, 0.57, 0.38 and 0.24, respectively. (2) Among the band-combined chlorophyll-a retrieval models, FLAASH is the best one, followed by 6S, BEAM and QUAC. As for FLAASH algorithm, the three bands ((Rrs(510)/[Rrs(443)/Rrs(560)]) model is the most accurate one, the MRE is 25.12%, the determination coefficient is 0.74. This band combination of FLAASH atmospheric correction results is recommended for the chlorophyll-a inference in the Lake Poyang.
Key words:  Water color remote sensing  atmospheric correction  chlorophyll-a  MERIS  FLAASH  6S  BEAM  QUAC  Lake Poyang