





引用本文:邹锐,吴桢,赵磊,陈异晖,余艳红,刘永.湖泊营养盐通量平衡的三维数值模拟.湖泊科学,2017,29(4):819-826. DOI:10.18307/2017.0405
ZOU Rui,WU Zhen,ZHAO Lei,CHEN Yihui,YU Yanhong,LIU Yong.Nutrient cycling flux of Lake Dianchi: A three-dimensional water quality modelling approach. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(4):819-826. DOI:10.18307/2017.0405
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邹锐1,2, 吴桢3, 赵磊1, 陈异晖1, 余艳红1, 刘永3
1.云南高原湖泊流域污染过程与管理重点实验室, 昆明 650034;2.Tetra Tech, Inc. 10306 Eaton Place, Ste 340, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA;3.北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871
湖泊氮、磷通量是表征湖泊营养状态的重要指标,也是探究湖泊富营养化机制的重要途径. 通过氮、磷通量的计算和质量平衡关系的分析,可以识别出在湖泊富营养化过程中起关键作用的过程.以三维水动力-水质模型为计算平台,模拟湖泊水动力、水质的动态过程,并以模拟结果为基础核算湖泊氮、磷循环通量及其在氮、磷循环整体中的贡献,识别湖泊氮、磷循环关键源汇过程的变化规律. 滇池是我国富营养化湖泊的代表,同时其半封闭特性为营养物质循环提供了更为稳定的环境,以滇池为案例,基于前期校正和验证过的滇池水动力-水质模型来分析循环通量计算方法的适用性. 结果发现,研究年度内滇池外海总氮的年总输入量(包括外源和内源)为7620.92 t,总输出量(包括出流、反硝化和沉降)为7637.31 t;总磷的年总输入量为(包括外源和内源)450.23 t,总输出量(包括出流和沉降)为429.57 t,其中陆域输入是最主要的氮、磷输入途径,而反硝化和沉降则是主要的输出过程. 相较于传统的质量平衡方法,通过三维模型计算所得的营养盐通量平衡结果能更好地揭示湖体内所发生的氮、磷转化过程.
关键词:  营养盐  通量  质量平衡  三维模型  滇池
Nutrient cycling flux of Lake Dianchi: A three-dimensional water quality modelling approach
ZOU Rui1,2, WU Zhen3, ZHAO Lei1, CHEN Yihui1, YU Yanhong1, LIU Yong3
1.Yunnan Key Laboratory of Pollution Process and Management of Plateau Lake-Watershed, Kunming 650034, P.R.China;2.Tetra Tech, Inc.10306 Eaton Place, Ste 340, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA;3.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, The Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences Ministry of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P.R.China
Nutrient cycling flux in lakes is an important indicator to measure the lake trophic state as well as an essential approach to explore eutrophication mechanisms. Key processes of nutrient cycling can be identified by calculating nutrient cycling fluxes and mass balance analysis. In this study, IWIND-LR, a 3D hydrodynamic and water quality model, was used to simulate nutrient cycling of lakes in this study. The nutrient cycling fluxes were calculated based on the model results to define the contributions and patterns of nutrient source and sink processes. Lake Dianchi in the Yunnan Plateau is one of the most severely polluted lakes in China. It is a semi-closed lake and provides a stable environment for research. The model results demonstrated that, IWIND-LR performed well in Lake Dianchi. The input and output of total nitrogen in Lake Dianchi was 7620.92 t and 7637.31 t respectively in 2003; while 450.23 t and 429.57 t for total phosphorus. The exogenous loading contributed most of the input of nitrogen and phosphorus, while denitrification and sedimentation were the major outputs of Lake Dianchi.
Key words:  Nutrient cycling  flux  mass balance  Three-Dimensional Modeling  Lake Dianchi