





引用本文:陈文君,段伟利,贺斌,陈雯.基于WASP模型的太湖流域上游茅山地区典型乡村流域水质模拟.湖泊科学,2017,29(4):836-847. DOI:10.18307/2017.0407
CHEN Wenjun,DUAN Weili,HE Bin,CHEN Wen.Water quality modeling for typical rural watershed based on the WASP model in Mountain Mao Region, upper Taihu Basin. J. Lake Sci.2017,29(4):836-847. DOI:10.18307/2017.0407
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陈文君, 段伟利, 贺斌, 陈雯
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室, 南京 210008
池塘、河渠、水库是乡村流域水环境的重要组成. 基于WASP模型,综合运用现场调查、GIS空间分析、污染负荷估算等方法,构建茅山地区李塔陈庄乡村流域的水质模拟模型. 结果表明,主要水质指标的污染程度从高至低依次为总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和高锰酸盐指数、氨氮. TN全年在不同水体中达到劣Ⅴ类的比例在52%~100%,而池塘、河渠的污染程度较为接近. 夏、冬季,超过TP劣Ⅴ类限值的河渠占2%~6%,池塘占8%~14%,而流域中部乡村周边的池塘明显更为严重. 负荷输入是模型主要不确定性因素,细化种植模式能够提高总体模拟效果,而禽畜散养与农村生活造成的污染则分别对池塘、河渠的水质影响更为明显. 本研究建立了乡村流域多种水体在面源污染影响下的水质联系,能够为乡村水环境治理提供决策参考.
关键词:  WASP  乡村流域  茅山地区  面源污染  池塘  河渠
Water quality modeling for typical rural watershed based on the WASP model in Mountain Mao Region, upper Taihu Basin
CHEN Wenjun, DUAN Weili, HE Bin, CHEN Wen
Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Science, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China
Ponds, rivers and reservoirs are the basic elements of water environment in a rural watershed, especially in the humid regions of Southeastern China. The water quality model for Lita-chenzhuang rural watershed in Mountain Mao Region is developed based on the WASP model. It is a combination among field investigation, GIS spatial analysis, pollution loads estimation and so on. The result shows that the order of contamination level of the main water quality indicators are total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), permanganate index, and ammonia nitrogen, respectively. For TN concentrations of the year, 52%-100% of different water bodies are worse than GradeⅤ of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water of China(GB 3838-2002), while the ponds are relatively close to the rivers on the contamination. During summer and winter, 2%-6% of rivers and 8%-14% of ponds have exceeded the upper bound of GradeⅤ in TP concentrations.Ponds in the center of the watershed and near the village are obviously more contaminated. The pollution loads are the main uncertainty factor of the water quality model. So the refinement on planting patterns could improve the simulation results on the whole. The pollutants from unfenced livestock and poultry have more effect on the ponds, while the water quality of the rivers is more vulnerable to sewage and garbage. This study establishes the links of water quality in different water bodies, which are affected by non-point source pollution in a typical rural watershed. It is also useful to formulate mitigation measures on rural water environment.
Key words:  WASP  rural watershed  Mountain Mao Region  non-point source pollution  ponds  rivers