





引用本文:李维唯,郭康宁,刘莉文,杨荧,李继影,徐恒省,李建宏.若干水华相关藻类对太湖水体异味物质贡献的初步研究.湖泊科学,2018,30(4):916-924. DOI:10.18307/2018.0405
LI Weiwei,GUO Kangning,LIU Liwen,YANG Ying,LI Jiying,XU Hengsheng,LI Jianhong.Relationship of odor compounds to some algal strains associated with bloom in Lake Taihu. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(4):916-924. DOI:10.18307/2018.0405
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李维唯1, 郭康宁1, 刘莉文1, 杨荧1, 李继影2, 徐恒省2, 李建宏1
1.南京师范大学生命科学学院, 南京 210023;2.苏州市环境监测中心, 苏州 215004
太湖水体中嗅味物质2-甲基异莰醇(MIB)和土臭素(Geo)的出现与水华发生在时间上高度重叠,为探寻水华中常见藻类与嗅味的关系,本研究通过对实验室培养藻株和野外水样比较分析,探寻了部分藻株与太湖水体嗅味物质的关系.分析实验室培养的15株蓝藻(其中11株微囊藻)、4株绿藻和4株硅藻,仅硅藻培养物测定出了Geo,所有藻株均未检测出MIB;对太湖典型水样分析结果显示,水体中MIB与Geo的浓度与微囊藻细胞浓度无相关性;实验室模拟微囊藻水华腐败结果显示,无论是好氧还是厌氧条件下均未产生MIB和Geo;这些数据结果说明湖水中MIB和Geo与水华主要种群微囊藻无直接关系.在鱼腥藻水华中测出了高浓度的MIB,周年水样分析结果显示鱼腥藻细胞数与MIB浓度变化规律一致,因此鱼腥藻可能是MIB的重要来源.但实验室培养的Anabaena sp.PCC7120无论是在缺氮还是有氮培养条件下均不产MIB和Geo,说明嗅味物质的产生具有藻株特异性.
关键词:  嗅味物质  蓝藻水华  微囊藻  藻类  太湖
Relationship of odor compounds to some algal strains associated with bloom in Lake Taihu
LI Weiwei1, GUO Kangning1, LIU Liwen1, YANG Ying1, LI Jiying2, XU Hengsheng2, LI Jianhong1
1.School of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, P. R. China;2.Suzhou Environmental Monitoring Centre, Suzhou 215004, P. R. China
Odor compounds 2-methylisocrotene (MIB) and the geosmin (Geo) were highly overlapped with the water blooms in the Lake Taihu. In this study, the relationship between odor compounds and cyanobacterial or algal strains of blooms in Lake Taihu were investigated by analyzing laboratory cultures and field samples. The cultured strains included 15 cyanobacteria (11 Microcystis strains),4 green algae and 4 diatoms. No MIB was detected in all strains, and Geo was only detected in the culture of diatoms. Analysis of field water samples showed that the concentration of Microcystis cells was not correlated with the concentration of MIB and Geo. Decay of Microcysits bloom did not produced MIB and Geo in either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. These data demonstrated that MIB and Geo were not directly related to Microcystis, dominant population of bloom. A high concentration of MIB was found in an Anabaena bloom. Data analysis of annual water samples showed that the cell density of Anabaena was consistent with the change of MIB concentration, which suggested Anabaena should be an important producer of MIB. However, the Anabaena PCC 7120 cultured in laboratory did not produced MIB and Geo both in the culture medium with nitrate or without nitrogen. The result implied that the production of odor substances was of strain specificity.
Key words:  Odor compound  cyanobacterial bloom  Microcystis  algae  Lake Taihu