





引用本文:陈法锦,劳齐斌,卞培旺,朱庆梅,周凤霞,周欣,孟亚飞,王梦宇.湖光岩玛珥湖水体中营养盐的时空分布特征及其影响因素.湖泊科学,2018,30(6):1693-1706. DOI:10.18307/2018.0621
CHEN Fajin,LAO Qibin,BIAN Peiwang,ZHU Qingmei,ZHOU Fengxia,ZHOU Xin,MENG Yafei,WANG Mengyu.Spatial and temporal distributions of nutrients and their influencing factors in the Huguangyan Maar Lake. J. Lake Sci.2018,30(6):1693-1706. DOI:10.18307/2018.0621
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陈法锦, 劳齐斌, 卞培旺, 朱庆梅, 周凤霞, 周欣, 孟亚飞, 王梦宇
广东海洋大学, 广东省近海海洋变化与灾害预警重点实验室, 湛江 524088
关键词:  湖光岩玛珥湖  营养盐  垂直分布  月变化  影响因素
Spatial and temporal distributions of nutrients and their influencing factors in the Huguangyan Maar Lake
CHEN Fajin, LAO Qibin, BIAN Peiwang, ZHU Qingmei, ZHOU Fengxia, ZHOU Xin, MENG Yafei, WANG Mengyu
Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Coastal Ocean Variation and Disaster Prediction Technologies, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, P. R. China
The Huguangyan Maar Lake is the biggest maar lake in the world. It is nearly closed and less disturbed by the surroundings. Existing work is mainly on its palaeoclimatological and the ecology environment research. The research on nutrients and their biogeochemical cycling in maar lakes is rare. Therefore, it has great significance to conduct such research in the Huguangyan Maar Lake. Nutrients and related parameters were investigated monthly in the water column of the Huguangyan Maar Lake from October 2015 to September 2016, in order to analyze the compositions, vertical distributions and temporal variations of nutrients and their influencing factors. The results showed that ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) was the predominant speciation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (>60%) in the water of the Huguangyan Maar Lake, followed by nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N), and nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N) was the lowest speciation. The concentrations of silicate (SiO32--Si) were relatively high, while phosphorus was the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth in the Huguangyan Maar Lake. During the winter monsoon, the concentrations of nutrients were vertically stable due to the enhanced vertical mixing. While during the summer monsoon, the water column stratified and nutrients in shallow water were generally low and deep water higher. Monthly variations of NO3--N, NH4+-N and SiO32--Si showed obvious variation patterns. Concentrations of NO3--N increased from October to March but decreased from March to September; concentrations of NH4+-N decreased from October to May; and concentrations of SiO32--Si decreased from November to May and increased from May to September. Their temporal variations were influenced by combined factors of organic matter decomposition, seasonal water-column mixing, phytoplankton absorption, rain-induced inputs and so on.
Key words:  Huguangyan Maar Lake  nutrients  vertical distributions  monthly change  influencing factor