





引用本文:邱银国,段洪涛,万能胜,高芮,黄佳聪,薛坤,彭兆亮,肖鹏峰.巢湖蓝藻水华监测预警与模拟分析平台设计与实践.湖泊科学,2022,34(1):38-48. DOI:10.18307/2022.0102
Qiu Yinguo,Duan Hongtao,Wan Nengsheng,Gao Rui,Huang Jiacong,Xue Kun,Peng Zhaoliang,Xiao Pengfeng.Design and practice of a platform for monitoring, early-warning and simulation of algal blooms in Lake Chaohu. J. Lake Sci.2022,34(1):38-48. DOI:10.18307/2022.0102
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邱银国1, 段洪涛1, 万能胜2, 高芮2, 黄佳聪1, 薛坤1, 彭兆亮1, 肖鹏峰3
1.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008;2.安徽省巢湖管理局湖泊生态环境研究院, 合肥 230000;3.南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京 210023
关键词:  蓝藻水华  立体监测  预测预警  决策支撑  巢湖
Design and practice of a platform for monitoring, early-warning and simulation of algal blooms in Lake Chaohu
Qiu Yinguo1, Duan Hongtao1, Wan Nengsheng2, Gao Rui2, Huang Jiacong1, Xue Kun1, Peng Zhaoliang1, Xiao Pengfeng3
1.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China;2.Institute of Lake Ecology and Environment, Anhui Provincial Lake Chaohu Administration, Hefei 230000, P. R. China;3.School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, P. R. China
Algal blooms occur frequently in Lake Chaohu in recent 20 years, producing a serious impact on the resident life and social production in Lake Chaohu watershed. Due to the lack of effective means in terms of comprehensive monitoring, high-precision simulation, and intelligent analysis, it is quite difficult for traditional methods to achieve the goal of status mastering, anomalies identifying, causes tracing, and trend simulating of water quality and algal blooms. Accordingly, the requirements of scientific prevention and emergency disposal of algal blooms in Lake Chaohu cannot be satisfied currently, and emergencies caused by algal blooms may occur at any time. Aiming at the requirements of comprehensive monitoring and emergency decision-making of algal blooms, a comprehensive monitoring network of water quality and algal blooms has been established in Lake Chaohu, by integrating several monitoring means, i.e., satellite remote sensing, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) monitoring, video monitoring, buoy and field monitoring. And modules of prediction, early-warning and emergency response of algal blooms are developed by combining the coupled hydrodynamic-water quality-algal blooms model. And both short-term (hourly in the next 2 days) and long-term (daily in the next 7 days) simulations of algal blooms are realized, as well as the simulation of algal blooms accumulation along the coast in the next 5 days. Finally, a platform for monitoring, early-warning and simulation of algal blooms in Lake Chaohu has been developed by integrating several function modules, e.g., monitoring of water quality and algal blooms, prediction and early-warning, emergency response, etc. By running this platform, the present situation, exceding standard limits information, and high-precision simulation and prediction of water quality and algae bloom in the whole lake can be grasped quickly and automatically, and risk assessment of algae bloom accumulation in key areas along the coast can also be realized. It shows that the implemented platform can provide scientific basis and data support for scientific prevention and emergency disposal of algal blooms in Lake Chaohu.
Key words:  Algal blooms  stereo monitoring  prediction and early warning  decision support  Lake Chaohu