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白洋淀,属海河中游大清河流域,位于河北省雄安新区,是华北平原最大的淡水湖.水域面积366 km2,计有大小淀泊143个,淀域内沟壕纵横,村落星罗棋布,水面苇田相间(摄影:尹德超). |
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Cover of Volume 34, Issue 2,2022 |
Abstract: |
Description of the cover image of Issue 2,2022: Lake Baiyangdian is the largest freshwater lake located in the Northern China Plain. It belongs to the Daqing River basin, middle reaches of the Haihe River catcnment. It holds an area of 366km with numerous small sub-lakes and ponds intercontected by rivers and residential wetlands. |
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