





引用本文:廖远珊,肖启涛,刘臻婧,胡正华,张弥,肖薇,段洪涛.藻型湖区氧化亚氮排放特征及其影响因素.湖泊科学,2023,35(2):483-492. DOI:10.18307/2023.0216
Liao Yuanshan,Xiao Qitao,Liu Zhenjing,Hu Zhenghua,Zhang Mi,Xiao Wei,Duan Hongtao.Nitrous oxide emission and its influencing factors at the cyanobacteria-dominated lake. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(2):483-492. DOI:10.18307/2023.0216
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廖远珊1,2,3, 肖启涛3, 刘臻婧4,5, 胡正华5, 张弥5, 肖薇5, 段洪涛1,2
1.西北大学城市与环境学院, 西安 710127;2.西北大学陕西省地表系统与环境承载力重点实验室, 西安 710127;3.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室, 南京 210008;4.湖南省气候中心, 长沙 410000;5.南京信息工程大学气候与环境变化国际合作联合实验室大气环境中心, 南京 210044
湖泊等内陆水体是大气N2O潜在的重要排放源,也是全球N2O收支估算的重要组成部分。目前全球湖泊普遍面临富营养化和蓝藻暴发等问题,明晰藻型湖泊N2O排放强度及其环境影响因子对准确估算湖泊N2O排放和预测其未来变化至关重要。本研究选择太湖藻型湖区为研究对象,同时选取人为活动影响较小的湖心区作为对比区域,基于2011年8月至2013年8月为期2年的逐月连续观测,探讨藻型湖区N2O排放特征及其影响因素。结果表明,藻型湖区呈现极强的N2O排放,其排放通量为(4.88±3.05) mmol/(m2·d),是参考区域(湖心: (2.10±4.31) mmol/(m2·d))的2倍多。此外,在藻型湖区中不同点位N2O排放差异显著,受河流外源输入影响,近岸区是N2O的热点排放区,其年均排放通量高达10.93 mmol/(m2·d)。连续观测表明N2O排放具有显著的季节变化模式,但在不同区域调控N2O排放时间变化的因子有所不同。其中,近岸区N2O排放主要受氮负荷影响,其他区域N2O排放变化受水温和氮负荷等多因子影响。氮素富集是藻型湖区N2O高排放的直接原因,水体氮负荷可以作为N2O排放热点的重要指示因子。但藻型湖泊N2O排放极其显著的时空变异等在未来研究中应得到更多关注。
关键词:  太湖  藻型湖区  N2O通量  空间变化  时间变化  影响因子
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42271114, 41801093, 41971309)和农业生态大数据分析与应用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心开放课题项目(AE202205)联合资助。
Nitrous oxide emission and its influencing factors at the cyanobacteria-dominated lake
Liao Yuanshan1,2,3, Xiao Qitao3, Liu Zhenjing4,5, Hu Zhenghua5, Zhang Mi5, Xiao Wei5, Duan Hongtao1,2
1.College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, P.R.China;2.Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface System and Environmental Carrying Capacity, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, P.R.China;3.Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China;4.Hunan Climate Center, Changsha 410000, P.R.China;5.Yale-NUIST Center on Atmospheric Environment, International Joint Laboratory on Climate and Environment Change (ILCEC), Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, P.R.China
Inland lakes potential emit large nitrous oxide (N2O) to atmosphere and play significant role in global N2O budget estimation. Widespread global increase in lake phytoplankton blooms have been found, identifying the N2O flux and its influencing factors at the cyanobacteria-dominated lake is essential to being able to accurate estimate the N2O emissions from lakes and predict future change. In order to identify N2O flux characteristics and its influencing factors in the cyanobacteria-dominated zone of Lake Taihu, the N2O emission was observed based on the two-year field measurements. Results showed the annual mean N2O flux from the cyanobacteria-dominated zone ((4.88±3.05) mmol/(m2·d)) was about twice higher than that in the central zone with less cyanobacteria blooms ((2.10±4.31) mmol/(m2·d)). Meanwhile, the N2O emissions varies spatially within the cyanobacteria-dominated zone, peak N2O emission (10.93 mmol/(m2·d)) occurred in littoral zone due to the large external loadings input via river discharge. Continuous filed measurement showed that the N2O emission varied seasonally, but the factors influencing the seasonal patterns varied among sub-zones. Generally, the temporal variation of N2O emission were regulated by N loadings in littoral zone, and were regulated by multiple environment variables, such as temperature and N loadings, in Meiliang Bay and the central zone. High nitrogen loadings contributed to large N2O emission from cyanobacteria-dominated zone, indicating that N loadings can be used as proxy of N2O emission from lakes. Considering significant temporal and spatial variation of N2O emission from cyanobacteria-dominated zones, more attention should be paid in future research.
Key words:  Lake Taihu  cyanobacteria-dominated lake  N2O flux  temporal variation  spatial variation  influencing factors