





引用本文:李晨辉,闫兴成,丁珏,陈宇琛,林育青,陈求稳,潘保柱.澜沧江梯级筑坝下水体氮磷分布特征及其形成机制.湖泊科学,2023,35(4):1320-1329. DOI:10.18307/2023.0424
Li Chenhui,Yan Xingcheng,Ding Jue,Chen Yuchen,Lin Yuqing,Chen Qiuwen,Pan Baozhu.Distribution characteristics and controlling mechanisms of nitrogen and phosphorus in water under cascade dam construction of Lancangjiang River. J. Lake Sci.2023,35(4):1320-1329. DOI:10.18307/2023.0424
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李晨辉1,2, 闫兴成1, 丁珏1, 陈宇琛1, 林育青1, 陈求稳1, 潘保柱2
1.南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究所, 南京 210029;2.西安理工大学水利水电学院, 西安 710000
关键词:  澜沧江  梯级水库  氮磷形态  分布特征  机制分析
Distribution characteristics and controlling mechanisms of nitrogen and phosphorus in water under cascade dam construction of Lancangjiang River
Li Chenhui1,2, Yan Xingcheng1, Ding Jue1, Chen Yuchen1, Lin Yuqing1, Chen Qiuwen1, Pan Baozhu2
1.Eco-environmental Research Department, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 2100292, P. R. China;2.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710000, P. R. China
Reservoir changes the hydrological characteristics of rivers and the process of materials transport and transformation, thus affects river water quality. To investigate the spatial distribution characteristics of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) as well as the associated affecting factors under the influence of cascade dams, two field campaigns were conducted in 2016 and 2021, respectively, along the Lancangjiang River. We compared the longitudinal changes and characteristics of different forms of N and P before and after reservoir impoundment in the upstream of the Lancangjiang River, and investigated the dominant factors affecting the observed variations in N and P along the river. Significant increase of total nitrogen (TN) concentration in the water column of the new reservoirs in 2021 compared with that in 2016 before the reservoir construction was observed, which was mainly due to the release of large amounts of soil organic N from the ambient inundated land. The results showed that the significant decrease of total phosphorus (TP) concentration in the water column was due to the slowdown of the flow velocity after the reservoir storage, which promoted the deposition of particulate P. In addition, the proportion of orthophosphate (PO3-4-P) to bioavailable P (Bio-P) in the water column increased significantly after damming, mainly due to the change in the water environment characteristics of the natural river channel, which facilitated the release of sediment phosphorus. Along the cascade reservoirs, the overall TN concentration in the water column increases gradually due to the influence of land use along the Lancangjiang River, while the TP concentration in the water column decreases gradually due to the retention effect of the reservoir. Furthermore, the increased hydraulic residence time due to dam construction provided favorable conditions for the transformation of N and P in the reservoir, mainly in the form of dissolved inorganic N gradually transitioned from being dominated by nitrate to ammonium; meanwhile, the proportion of PO3-4-P in the Bio-P fraction also increased. This study initially elucidates the effects of damming on the distribution characteristics of N and P in the water column and its influencing factors in Lancangjiang River, and the results can provide valuable reference for ecological protection in Lancangjiang River under the cascade reservoirs.
Key words:  Lancangjiang River  cascade reservoirs  nitrogen and phosphorus forms  distribution characteristics  mechanism