





引用本文:宁志昊,周研来,林凡奇,周颖,罗琪.考虑碳减排的水库多目标提前蓄水调度研究.湖泊科学,2024,36(1):298-307. DOI:10.18307/2024.0141
Ning Zhihao,Zhou Yanlai,Lin Fanqi,Zhou Ying,Luo Qi.A multi-objective reservoir impoundment scheme considering carbon flux management. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(1):298-307. DOI:10.18307/2024.0141
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宁志昊, 周研来, 林凡奇, 周颖, 罗琪
武汉大学, 水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室, 武汉 430072
针对当前的水库提前蓄水调度研究尚未考虑碳减排问题,本文基于水库碳排放和有机碳埋藏因子法,构建了考虑碳减排的水库提前蓄水调度模型,采用基于熵权重的逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)对提前蓄水调度方案进行了多目标评价,以优选调度方案,在三峡水库开展了实例研究。研究结果表明:三峡水库从9月1日起蓄,于9月30日逐步蓄至167 m的调度方案最优,相较于原设计方案,在不增加防洪风险的前提下,多年平均发电量增加29.91亿kW·h(8.80%),弃水量减少26.03亿m3(27.51%),碳排放量减少69.26亿g(3.94%),有机碳埋藏量增加1.93亿g(1.28%),温室气体的CO2碳当量减少235.48亿g(3.85%),提前蓄水方案可显著提升三峡水库发电量、供水保障能力和减少碳排放量。本研究为水库提前蓄水的水碳协同调度提供了技术支撑。
关键词:  提前蓄水  碳通量  水碳调度  逼近理想解排序法  三峡水库
A multi-objective reservoir impoundment scheme considering carbon flux management
Ning Zhihao, Zhou Yanlai, Lin Fanqi, Zhou Ying, Luo Qi
State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P.R. China
The existing studies on reservoir impoundment have not paid attention to carbon flux management. Based on reservoir carbon emission-factor and organic carbon burial-factor approaches, this study proposed a multi-objective reservoir impoundment model considering carbon flux management. The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) based on entropy weights was adopted to conduct a multi-objective evaluation for impoundment schemes. A case study was carried out in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) located at the Yangtze River. The investigation results showed that the best scheme was impounding water continuingly from 145 m on September 1 to 167 m on September 30. Compared to the existing impoundment scheme (i.e., standard operation policy), the optimal schemes could increase 2.991 billion kW·h (8.80%) hydropower output and decrease 2.603 billion m3(27.51%) spilled water without increasing the risk of flood control. Carbon emissions could decrease by 6.926 billion g (3.94%), and organic carbon burials raise by 193 million g (1.28%). CO2-equivalent of greenhouse gases could decrease by 23.548 billion g (3.85%). The advanced impoundment operation schemes can significantly improve the power generation and water supply security of TGR, and can largely reduce carbon emissions. This study provides technical support for reservoir water-carbon synergetic optimization.
Key words:  Impoundment operation  carbon flux  water-carbon operation  TOPSIS  Three Gorges Reservoir