





引用本文:段绍祎,杨梦薇,管光华,朱宇轩,毕永红.输水明渠着生藻类群落结构特征对水动力条件的响应.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):364-376. DOI:10.18307/2024.0212
Duan Shaoyi,Yang Mengwei,Guan Guanghua,Zhu Yuxuan,Bi Yonghong.Response of periphytic algae community structure characteristics to hydrodynamic conditions in an open channel. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):364-376. DOI:10.18307/2024.0212
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段绍祎1, 杨梦薇1, 管光华1, 朱宇轩2, 毕永红2
1.武汉大学水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室, 武汉 430072;2.中国科学院水生生物研究所, 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室, 武汉 430072
明渠输水系统的着生藻类异常增殖会淤塞拦污栅,降低明渠输水能力,并增加清理工作压力。目前,有关着生藻类对水动力的响应研究多在天然河流、湖泊中开展野外原型观测,针对混凝土衬砌表面着生藻类的水动力研究仍然少见。由于混凝土基质与泥沙基质的显著差异,着生藻类在衬砌明渠和自然水体中对水动力的响应特性不同。为探究水动力对明渠着生藻类生长及群落结构的影响,特开展明渠中着生藻类的培养观测及水动力冲刷实验。通过分析着生藻类叶绿素a含量、群落结构、无灰干重、细胞密度等指标,以探究不同基质粗糙度、不同生长阶段的着生藻类对不同水动力条件的响应。结果表明:着生藻类建群过程具有3个明显阶段,分别为迟滞期、指数生长期、稳定期;随着流速增大,着生藻类生物量先上升后下降,当流速v>0.6 m/s时,着生藻类的生长被显著抑制;冲刷流速增大至v=0.8 m/s的2天后,着生藻类生物量显著减少,群落多样性下降。在着生藻类建群迟滞期(实验中约3周),该阶段提高流速对着生藻类生物量的冲刷剥离效果最明显;基质粗糙度越小,着生藻类建群迟滞期越长,通过水力冲刷的除藻效果越明显。本研究探索了不同水动力条件下明渠着生藻类的响应规律,有助于认识明渠着生藻类的群落特征,可为明渠输水系统内着生藻类水力调控提供重要依据。
关键词:  着生藻类  混凝土基质  藻类生长  水动力条件  水力除藻  藻类生态调控
Response of periphytic algae community structure characteristics to hydrodynamic conditions in an open channel
Duan Shaoyi1, Yang Mengwei1, Guan Guanghua1, Zhu Yuxuan2, Bi Yonghong2
1.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P.R. China;2.State Key Laboratory of Fresh Water Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, P.R. China
Periphytic algae bloom in open channel water delivery system can clog up the sewage barrier, reduce the water delivery capacity, and increase the pressure of clean-up work. At present, most of the research on the response of periphytic algae (PA) to hydrodynamics are carried out in natural rivers and lakes, and studies on the hydrodynamics of PA on the surface of concrete lining are still rare. Due to the significant difference between concrete and sediment substrate, the response characteristics of PA to hydrodynamics in lined open channels and natural water bodies varies. To reveal such different mechanism, the cultivation observation and hydrodynamic erosion experiment of PA in open channel were carried out. By analyzing chlorophyll-a content, community structure, ash-free dry weight and PA cell density, the PA responses to different substrate roughness and different growth stages to different hydrodynamic conditions were investigated. Results showed that there were three distinct stages in the process of colony building, which were lag period, exponential growth period and stable period. With the increase in flow velocity, the PA biomass first increased and then decreased. When the flow velocity was above>0.6 m/s, the PA growth was significantly inhibited. After the erosion velocity increased to 0.8 m/s for 2 days, the PA biomass decreased significantly, and the community diversity decreased. In the retardation period (about 3 weeks in the experiment), the scour and stripping effect of increasing flow velocity on the PA biomass was the most obvious. The smaller the roughness of substrate, the longer the retardation period of PA formation, and the more obvious the effect of PA removal by hydraulic scour. This study explored the PA response rules in open channel under different hydrodynamic conditions, which is helpful to understand the PA community characteristics living in open channel, and can provide an important basis for the hydraulic control of PA living in open channel water delivery system.
Key words:  Periphytic algae  concrete matrix  algae growth  hydrodynamic condition  hydraulic algae removal  algae ecological regulation