





引用本文:张辉,彭宇琼,邹贤妮,张婷婷,廖志惠,林小平,乔永民,陈瑞.广东新丰江水库极端旱情期浮游藻类功能群特征及与环境因子的关系.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):416-429. DOI:10.18307/2024.0217
Zhang Hui,Peng Yuqiong,Zou Xianni,Zhang Tingting,Liao Zhihui,Lin Xiaoping,Qiao Yongmin,Chen Rui.Characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups and their relationships with environmental factors during extreme drought in Xinfengjiang Reservoir, Guangdong Province. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):416-429. DOI:10.18307/2024.0217
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张辉1, 彭宇琼1, 邹贤妮1, 张婷婷1, 廖志惠1, 林小平1, 乔永民2, 陈瑞2
1.广东省河源生态环境监测站, 河源 517000;2.暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632
为了解极端旱情对新丰江水库的浮游植物功能群(functional group)的演替规律及驱动机制,在干旱期以月为频次开展浮游植物和水质调查。结果表明,水库旱情期(2021年)浮游植物功能群可归类为23个,其中功能群A/E/F/J/K/Lo/M/MP/NA/P/SN/TB/X1/X2/X3/Y频率较高,且A/E/F/J/Lo/MP/P/X3/Y为优势功能群,水库功能群变化趋势为A/E/MP/P/X3(1月)→E/Lo/MP(2月)→A/E/Lo(3月)→A/E/Lo(4月)→A/Lo(5月)→A/Lo/Y(6月)→A/F/Lo/MP/Y(7月)→A/F/Lo/Y(8月)→A/F/Lo(9月)→A/F/Lo/MP(10月)→A/E/F/Lo/MP/Y(11月)→A/E/Lo(12月)。适应贫营养生境的功能群A/E/Lo/Y等为旱情期藻类群落结构的主体优势类群。相关分析(Spearman)和冗余分析(RDA)结果表明,旱情期影响水库浮游植物功能群组成的主要驱动因子是水温和透明度。水库月度生态状态指数(Q)值范围为4.07~4.87,达到极好水平,说明旱情对新丰江水库浮游植物群落结构影响相对较弱。
关键词:  新丰江水库  极端旱情  功能群  环境因子
Characteristics of phytoplankton functional groups and their relationships with environmental factors during extreme drought in Xinfengjiang Reservoir, Guangdong Province
Zhang Hui1, Peng Yuqiong1, Zou Xianni1, Zhang Tingting1, Liao Zhihui1, Lin Xiaoping1, Qiao Yongmin2, Chen Rui2
1.Heyuan Sub-branch of Guangdong Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center, Heyuan 517000, P.R. China;2.Institute of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, P.R. China
In order to understand the structural and succession of the phytoplankton functional groups (FGs) and its the ecological driving mechanism during extreme drought in Xinfengjiang Reservoir, the composition of phytoplankton community and physicochemical factors of water quality were investigated monthly in 2021. The results showed that the phytoplankton communities were classified into 23 functional groups during extreme drought period. Among them, functional groups A/E/F/J/K/Lo/M/MP/NA/P/SN/TB/X1/X2/X3/Y occurred higher frequently, and the dominant functional groups were A/E/F/J/Lo/MP/P/X3/Y. The main temporal changes characteristics of phytoplankton FGs occurred for A/E/MP/P/X3→E/Lo/MP→A/E/Lo→A/E/Lo→A/Lo→A/Lo/Y→A/F/Lo/MP/Y→A/F/Lo/Y→A/F/Lo→A/F/Lo/MP→A/E/F/Lo/MP/Y→A/E/Lo from January to December in 2021. The main dominant FGs of Xinfengjiang Reservoir during extreme drought were A/E/Lo/Y, and they were suitable for the oligotrophic water bodies. Spearman correlation and redundancy analysis showed that water temperature and transparency were the primary environmental factors affecting the structural of most phytoplankton FGs during extreme drought in Xinfengjiang Reservoir. The ecological status index during extreme drought of Xingfengjiang Reservoir was considered as in excellent condition, as shown by its ecological status index value ranged from 4.07 to 4.87.
Key words:  Xinfengjiang Reservoir  extreme drought  functional groups  environmental factor