





引用本文:张洪森,角媛梅,陈凡,张兆年,徐秋娥,陶妍.云南九大高原湖泊流域人类活动强度对水质的多尺度影响.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):430-442. DOI:10.18307/2024.0221
Zhang Hongsen,Jiao Yuanmei,Chen Fan,Zhang Zhaonian,Xu Qiu'e,Tao Yan.Multi-scale impacts of human activity intensity on water quality in nine plateau lake basins in Yunnan Province. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):430-442. DOI:10.18307/2024.0221
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张洪森, 角媛梅, 陈凡, 张兆年, 徐秋娥, 陶妍
云南师范大学地理学部, 昆明 650500
关键词:  人类活动强度  高原湖泊  水质  流域  生态管理
Multi-scale impacts of human activity intensity on water quality in nine plateau lake basins in Yunnan Province
Zhang Hongsen, Jiao Yuanmei, Chen Fan, Zhang Zhaonian, Xu Qiu'e, Tao Yan
Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, P.R. China
The spatial heterogeneity of human activity is fundamental for understanding regional human-land relations and its ecological environmental effects. Utilizing 2020 land-use data from nine plateau lake basins in Yunnan Province, we developed human impact intensity coefficients for varying landscape types. Employing GIS spatial analysis, this study quantified the intensity and spatial heterogeneity of human activities in the basins, and studied its effect on water quality. The study identified a descending order of human activity intensity(HAI) on the lakes as follows: Lake Qilu (4.83), Lake Xingyun (4.71), Lake Dianchi (4.19), Lake Yangzonghai (4.11), Lake Fuxian (4.03), Lake Yilong (4.01), Lake Chenghai (3.93), Lake Erhai (3.88) and Lake Lugu (2.96). The discernible spatial variation of human activity intensity was observed at three scales: watershed, flat area, and lakeshore. Each basin was influenced by strong human activity, and maximum values occurred in the flat area. A portion of the lakeshore of Lake Dianchi and Lake Qilu was fully developed area. HAI decreased with increasing elevation and slope, and high-intensity areas were concentrated around lakes with low elevation and flat land in the basin. The significant positive correlation between the high-intensity areas on the scale of the watershed and flat area on the trophic state index of the lakes, thus it should be the key area of landscape optimization and management in the future. Lakeshore scale low-intensity occupancy was significant negative correlation, and there is a need to reduce human activities. Considering the cascade effect of topography and geomorphology of the watershed - intensity of human activities-water quality, the control of each landscape element and process should be carried out from different spatial scales. According to the effects from various human activity intensity on the water quality, lakes can be classified into the preventive type, protective type and treatment type for their management.
Key words:  Human activity intensity  plateau lakes  water quality  basin  ecological management