





引用本文:关昊鹏,谢筱婷,陈思睿,邓莎,陈小强,金业,林琳,汪天祥,许士国.富硫型水库沉积物AVS和SEM空间分布特征及重金属风险评价.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):452-466. DOI:10.18307/2024.0223
Guan Haopeng,Xie Xiaoting,Chen Sirui,Deng Sha,Chen Xiaoqiang,Jin Ye,Lin Lin,Wang Tianxiang,Xu Shiguo.Distribution characteristic and risk assessment of acid volatile sulfide and heavy metals in sulfate-rich reservoir sediment. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):452-466. DOI:10.18307/2024.0223
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关昊鹏1, 谢筱婷1, 陈思睿2, 邓莎2, 陈小强1, 金业1, 林琳3, 汪天祥4, 许士国1
1.大连理工大学建设工程学院, 大连 116024;2.西安建筑科技大学资源工程学院, 西安 710055;3.辽宁省汤河水库管理局有限责任公司, 辽阳 111000;4.大连理工大学海洋科学与技术学院, 盘锦 124221
随着湖库外源性污染的有效控制,沉积物污染特征成为影响湖库水环境质量的关键因素。本文以富硫型水库——汤河水库为研究对象,分析探讨水库沉积物的理化性质、重金属总量、酸可挥发性硫化物(acid volatile sulfide,AVS)和同步提取重金属(simultaneously extracted metals,SEM)的空间分布特征,采用沉积物基准法(sediment quality guidelines, SQGs)和AVS与SEM关系法对重金属可能诱发的生态风险和毒性效应进行评估。结果表明:汤河水库沉积物中AVS含量在0.03~51.75 μmol/g之间,并呈现坝前深水区>东支流库区>西支流库区的空间分布特征。根据Pearson相关性分析可知,汤河水库沉积物AVS含量与间隙水中SO42-浓度、沉积物烧失量(LOI)含量呈显著正相关,与沉积物间隙水中NO3-浓度和沉积物pH呈现显著负相关。间隙水中SO42-浓度和沉积物LOI含量是控制AVS产量的重要因素。水库沉积物中ΣSEM变化范围为0.52~2.75 μmol/g,呈现出东支流库区>坝前深水区>西支流库区的分布规律。水库沉积物中ΣSEM/AVS和ΣSEM-AVS的变化范围分别为0.06~22.73和-49.18~2.44 μmol/g,显示出水库坝前深水区表层0~10 cm沉积物不具有生态风险,而东、西支流库区沉积物中的SEM因为不能完全被AVS所固定而存在潜在生态风险。就单一重金属而言,汤河水库坝前深水区和东西支流中部区域沉积物Ni、Cu、Pb和Zn含量均介于临界效应含量(threshold effects level, TEL)值和可能效应含量(probable effect level, PEL)值之间,可产生低级风险毒性效应,但Ni的毒性效应风险接近中级,今后应予以重点关注。富硫型水库沉积物中容易出现高含量AVS,沉积物间隙水中SO42-和NO3-的浓度是决定沉积物AVS净产量的重要因素。流域内重金属土壤背景值以及工业、采矿产业排放的废水类型直接影响着诱发生态风险的重金属种类。
关键词:  酸可挥发性硫化物  同步提取重金属  生态风险  富硫型水库  沉积物  汤河水库
Distribution characteristic and risk assessment of acid volatile sulfide and heavy metals in sulfate-rich reservoir sediment
Guan Haopeng1, Xie Xiaoting1, Chen Sirui2, Deng Sha2, Chen Xiaoqiang1, Jin Ye1, Lin Lin3, Wang Tianxiang4, Xu Shiguo1
1.School of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, P.R. China;2.School of Resource Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, P.R. China;3.Liaoning Tanghe Reservoir Management Co., Ltd, Liaoyang 111000, P.R. China;4.School of Ocean Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin 124221, P.R. China
With the effective control of exogenous pollution in lakes and reservoirs, sediment pollution characteristics have become a key factor affecting the water environment quality of these freshwater systems. Sulfate-rich Tanghe Reservoir is chosen as the investigated reservoir. We explored the spatial distribution characteristics of physical and chemical properties, contents of total amount of heavy metals, acid volatile sulfide (AVS), and simultaneously extracted heavy metals (SEM) of sediments of the reservoir. Meanwhile, ecological risks and toxic effects induced by heavy metals were evaluated using sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and method of AVS-SEM relationships. The results showed that the AVS content in the sediment of Tanghe Reservoir ranged from 0.03 to 51.75 μmol/g, and displayed a decreasing trend in the order of the deepwater area before the dam> east tributary reservoir> west tributary reservoir. According to the Pearson correlation analysis results, spatial distribution difference of AVS in the sediment of Tanghe Reservoir showed a significant positive correlation to the SO42- concentration and LOI content in the porewater and sediment, and showed a significant negative correlation to the NO3- concentration and pH value in the porewater. The ΣSEM content in the sediment of Tanghe Reservoir ranged from 0.03 to 51.75 μmol/g, and display a decreasing trend in the order of the east tributary reservoir > deepwater area before the dam> west tributary reservoir. Ranges of ΣSEM/AVS and ΣSEM-AVS in the sediment of the reservoir are 0.06-22.73 and -49.18-2.44 μmol/g, respectively, which showed that the surface 0-10 cm sediments in the deepwater area before the dam were not ecologically risky, and the SEM in the sediments of the East and West tributaries could not be completely fixed by AVS and showed potential ecological risks. In terms of single heavy metals, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn might have potential biotoxic effects in the deepwater area of dam and middle area of west and east tributary in the reservoir. However, the toxic of Ni was close to intermediate and should be given special attention in the future. High content of AVS is prone to occur in the sediment of sulfate-rich reservoirs, concentrations of SO42- and NO-3 in porewater are the vital factor determining the net yield of sediment AVS. The background values of heavy metal soils in the watershed and the types of wastewater discharged by industrial and mining industries directly affect the types of heavy metals that induce ecological risks.
Key words:  Acid volatile sulfide  simultaneous extraction metals  ecological risk  sulfate-rich reservoir  sediment  Tanghe Reservoir