





引用本文:张曦泽,杨丽虎,宋献方.黄河上游近60年水沙变化特征及其影响因素.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):602-619. DOI:10.18307/2024.0243
Zhang Xize,Yang Lihu,Song Xianfang.Runoff and sediment load changes in the upper Yellow River and their influencing factors in recent 60 years. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):602-619. DOI:10.18307/2024.0243
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张曦泽1,2, 杨丽虎1,2, 宋献方1,2
1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室, 北京 100101;2.中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100049
由于受人类活动及气候变化影响,黄河上游干流水沙特征发生显著变化。为探究黄河上游水沙变化情况,基于黄河上游5个水文站1964-2019年水沙、遥感影像等数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法、滑动t检验法、累积距平曲线和双累积曲线等突变检验方法和小波分析法,对黄河上游水沙变化特征进行研究。利用水沙关系曲线及线性回归法等方法估算人类活动和气候对水沙变化的贡献率,并着重讨论梯级水库建设及土地利用变化对水沙的影响。结果表明:1)黄河上游玛曲-小川段流域内降雨量和径流量变化幅度不明显,贵德站、循化站、小川站1986-2019年年均输沙量分别减至1964-1985年的9.8%、24.6%、38.8%,输沙量大大减少。黄河上游玛曲-小川段径流量突变多在1986年,输沙量突变多在1969、1986、2004年,径流量存在8、16、22 a周期,输沙量存在4~8、18~21、27 a周期。2)1969年后,河流输沙能力增强,水沙关系显著改变。在不同时段内,人类活动对径流量变化在1987-2019年贡献率为66.3%,对输沙量变化在1970-1986、1987-2004、2005-2019年的贡献率为72.96%、70.73%、69.7%。人类活动对黄河上游干流水沙影响占据主导因素。3)刘家峡水库淤积最为严重,单库运行期水库淤积量为2.39亿t,排沙比变化范围为1.39%~10.7%。梯级水库联调使得径流量在1964-2004年间减少47.8%,1964-2019年间梯级水库减沙94.8%,梯级水库对输沙量影响远大于对径流量的影响。4)1980-2020年间,草地面积增加了1880.03 km2,增幅3.1%,有利于减少输沙量,草地拦沙效益大于截流效益。
关键词:  黄河上游  水沙变化  人类活动  梯级水库  土地利用
Runoff and sediment load changes in the upper Yellow River and their influencing factors in recent 60 years
Zhang Xize1,2, Yang Lihu1,2, Song Xianfang1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural-Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. China;2.College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P.R. China
As a result of human activities and climatic influences, the runoff and sediment load in the main stream of the upper Yellow River (UYR) have changed significantly. In order to identify their characteristics, the runoff-sediment and remote sensing image data from 1964-2019 at five hydrological stations in the UYR were investigated using the Mann-Kendall test, the sliding t-test, abrupt change test and wavelet analysis. Runoff-sediment relationship curves and linear regression methods were used to estimate the contribution of human activities and climate to runoff and sediment load change, with a focus on the impact of the cascade reservoir construction and land use changes. Results showed that: 1)The magnitude of average rainfall and runoff variation in the Maqu-Xiaochuan section of the basin was not significant, with average annual sediment load at Guide Station, Xunhua Station and Xiaochuan Station from 1986-2019 reduced to 9.8%, 24.6% and 38.8% of 1964-1985 respectively and the sediment load was greatly reduced. The runoff had an abrupt change in 1986 in the Maqu-Xiaochuan section, with cycles of 8 a, 16 a and 22 a. Sediment load changed abruptly mostly in 1969, 1986 and 2004, with cycles of 4-8 a, 18-21 a and 27 a. 2) After 1969, the river's capacity to transport sediment increased and the runoff-sediment relationship changed significantly. The contribution of human activities to changes in runoff was 66.3% and to changes in sediment load was 72.96%, 70.73%, 69.7% in different time periods. Human activities had dominant impact on the runoff-sediment relationship in the mainstem of UYR. 3) Liujiaxia Reservoir experienced the most severe siltation, with 239 million tons of reservoir siltation during the single reservoir operation period, and a range of 1.39%-10.7% variation in sediment discharge ratio. The joint regulation of the cascade reservoirs resulted in a 47.8% reduction in runoff between 1964 and 2004. And 94.8% of sediment load was reduced in the cascade reservoirs between 1964 and 2019, indicating a greater impact on sediment load than on runoff from the cascade reservoir. 4) Between 1980 and 2020, the area of grassland increased by 1880.03 km2 by an increase of 3.1%, which was conducive to reducing sediment load, and the benefit of grassland on sediment load is greater than that on runoff.
Key words:  Upper stream of the Yellow River  variation of runoff and sediment load  human activities  cascade reservoirs  land use