





引用本文:赵汗青,任实,闫静,张成潇,刘志武,高宇.汛期洪水资源化利用对三峡水库淤积影响研究.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):634-644. DOI:10.18307/2024.0245
Zhao Hanqing,Ren Shi,Yan Jing,Zhang Chengxiao,Liu Zhiwu,Gao Yu.The influence of flood resource utilization on sediment deposition in Three Gorges Reservoir. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):634-644. DOI:10.18307/2024.0245
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赵汗青1,2, 任实1, 闫静2,3, 张成潇1, 刘志武1, 高宇1
1.中国长江三峡集团有限公司, 武汉 430010;2.水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心, 南京 210024;3.河海大学水利水电学院, 南京 210098
作为三峡水库诸多优化调度方式中的一种,洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响受到持续关注,开展针对场次洪水的相关研究有助于进一步深化对水库淤积科学问题的认识,有望为调度工作提供一定的技术支撑。通过2013年以来的历史水文资料分析与水沙运动数值模拟,探究了入库洪水的输沙过程以及洪水资源化利用对库区淤积与水库排沙的影响。结果表明:洪峰流量介于30000~55000 m3/s的中小洪水是近年三峡入库洪水的主要形式,随着入库洪峰流量的增加,洪水的地区组成逐渐趋向于金沙江下游、嘉陵江共同主导;常年回水区淤积、水库排沙是“消化”入库泥沙的两种主要途径,且以前者的作用为主;针对Ⅰ-3类入库洪水,坝前起调水位Z0的抬升或洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响主要在于造成了库区淤积的重分布,次要在于改变了水库的排沙作用,在Z0≤150 m条件下,洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响相对较小;针对典型洪水,当武隆洪峰流量Q'WL与入库洪峰流量Q'RK的比值小于1/5(即Q'WL/Q'RK<1/5)且朱沱洪峰流量Q'ZT与北碚洪峰流量Q'BB的比值介于3/2和3之间(即3/2<Q'ZT/Q'BB≤3)时,在Z0=145 m情景下,洪水量级的提高增加了约50%的入库沙量,而水库调度抬升的库水位不足坝前水深的5%,导致前者较后者产生了更加严峻的变动回水区淤积和水库排沙情势;随着嘉陵江的洪水输沙作用逐渐显著,变动回水区,尤其是嘉陵江与长江干流交汇口下游河道的淤积情势愈发明显,应当予以重视。
关键词:  三峡水库  洪水资源化利用  场次洪水  坝前起调水位  入库水沙体量  地区组成
The influence of flood resource utilization on sediment deposition in Three Gorges Reservoir
Zhao Hanqing1,2, Ren Shi1, Yan Jing2,3, Zhang Chengxiao1, Liu Zhiwu1, Gao Yu1
1.China Three Gorges Corporation, Wuhan 430010, P.R. China;2.National Engineering Research Center of Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Engineering Safety, Nanjing 210024, P.R. China;3.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, P.R. China
The flood resource utilization (FRU) is an important strategy for optimal operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), and its influence on reservoir sedimentation is widely concerned. Relevant studies on flood events can deepen our scientific understanding on reservoir sedimentation. Besides, they may provide some technical supports to the TGR operation. This study investigated the flood runoff and sediment transport processes and the influences of the FRU on sediment deposition and delivery by statistical analysis of hydrological data from 2013 to 2021 and numerical simulation of flow-sediment movement, respectively. The results indicated that the middle and small flood with peak discharge varying within the range from 30000 to 55000 m3/s was the main form of the TGR flood in recent years. Flood regional composition tended to be controlled by both the lower reach of the Jinsha River and the Jialing River with an increase of the peak flood discharge. The inflow sediment was mainly consumed by sedimentation in the perennial backwater area and reservoir sediment discharge, and the former one had more considerable influence than the latter one. The increase of the initial water level Z0 or the FRU operation affected the reservoir sedimentation by changing the siltation distribution firstly and decreasing the sediment delivery ration secondly in Case Ⅰ-3. The FRU affected the reservoir sedimentation little while Z0≤150 m. While the ratio between the peak discharge of Wulong (Q'WL) and the peak discharge of reservoir inflow (Q'RK) was less than 1/5 (i.e. Q'WL/Q'RK<1/5) and the ratio between the peak discharge of Zhutuo (Q'ZT) and the peak discharge of Beibei (Q'BB) ranged from 3/2 to 3 (i.e. 3/2<Q'ZT/ Q'BB≤3) in typical flood event, an augment of the flood discharge would increase 50% of the inflow sediment, but the FRU increased less 5% of the water level (Z0=145 m). As a result, sediment deposition in the fluctuating backwater area and sediment delivery to the reservoir downstream caused by the increasing discharge was more significant than those caused by the FRU. When the inflow sediment mainly comes from the Jialing River, sediment deposition becomes more considerable in the downstream channel of the confluence e between the Yangtze River and the Jialing River, and we should pay some attention to this phenomenon in reservoir operation and management.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir  flood resource utilization  flood event  initial water level  inflow water and sediment discharges  regional composition