





引用本文:时晨燚,刘凤,祝铠,张媛,刘海.结合长时序遥感监测和机器学习算法预测藻类增殖风险时空变化.湖泊科学,2024,36(3):670-684. DOI:10.18307/2024.0311
Shi Chenyi,Liu Feng,Zhu Kai,Zhang Yuan,Liu Hai.Combining long-term remote sensing monitoring and machine learning algorithms to predict spatiotemporal changes in algal proliferation risk. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(3):670-684. DOI:10.18307/2024.0311
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时晨燚1, 刘凤1, 祝铠1, 张媛2, 刘海1
1.湖北大学资源环境学院,武汉 430062;2.湖北省生态环境监测中心站,武汉 430071
关键词:  遥感监测  空间分布  预测  藻类增殖风险  丹江口水库
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42271318, 41971402)资助。
Combining long-term remote sensing monitoring and machine learning algorithms to predict spatiotemporal changes in algal proliferation risk
Shi Chenyi1, Liu Feng1, Zhu Kai1, Zhang Yuan2, Liu Hai1
1.Faculty of Resources and Environment Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, P. R. China;2.Ecological Environment Monitoring Center Station of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430071, P. R. China
Monitoring and predicting algal proliferation in drinking water sources holds significant importance for enhancing the environmental integrity of aquatic ecosystems and safeguarding human health. Utilizing multisource remote sensing data enables the acquisition of high spatiotemporal resolution information regarding algal dynamics. The integration of long-term remote sensing monitoring with machine learning algorithms allows for the adaptation to the complex growth mechanisms and nonlinear characteristics associated with algal proliferation, thereby facilitating the prediction of spatiotemporal variations in algal proliferation risk. In this study, Landsat and MODIS long time-series satellite remote sensing data were employed to extract spatiotemporal variations in algal content in the Danjiangkou Reservoir from 2000 to 2020, utilizing the fraction of algal inversion and normalized difference vegetation index methods. Furthermore, the time lag effects of meteorological factors, including temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, and cumulative sunshine duration, on algal proliferation were analyzed. Three machine learning algorithms, namely Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest, were deployed to predict algal proliferation risk. The predictive performance of these algorithms was evaluated and compared. The results indicated that the annual variation in algal content in the Danjiangkou Reservoir exhibited a trend of initial increase followed by a decrease, characterized by distinct seasonal periodic fluctuations, with late spring to early summer representing a period of rapid algal proliferation. Spatially, relatively higher algal content was observed in inflow tributaries and bay areas, indicating high-risk zones for algal proliferation. The algal proliferation risk prediction model for the Danjiangkou Reservoir accurately identified high-risk areas for algal proliferation and reflected short-term spatial variations. The predictions from the three algorithms exhibited overall consistency, with Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes algorithms demonstrating higher accuracy, and a lead time of 4 to 5 days was identified as the optimal prediction window.
Key words:  Remote sensing monitoring  spatial distribution  predictive  algal proliferation risk  Danjiangkou Reservoir