





引用本文:刘帅,谢茂嵘,吕文,宋娜,杨惠,杨文晶,姜宇,白瑞泉,沈逸,史书,杨金艳.阳澄湖入湖河道分类、污染特征分析及治理策略.湖泊科学,2024,36(3):741-755. DOI:10.18307/2024.0322
Liu Shuai,Xie Maorong,Lv Wen,Song Na,Yang Hui,Yang Wenjing,Jiang Yu,Bai Ruiquan,Shen Yi,Shi Shu,Yang Jinyan.Classification, pollution characteristics and treatment strategy of the inflow rivers into Lake Yangcheng. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(3):741-755. DOI:10.18307/2024.0322
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刘帅1, 谢茂嵘1, 吕文1, 宋娜2, 杨惠1, 杨文晶1, 姜宇1, 白瑞泉1, 沈逸1, 史书1, 杨金艳1
1.江苏省水文水资源勘测局苏州分局,苏州 215011;2.中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京 210008
关键词:  阳澄湖  入湖河道  系统聚类  物元分析  因子分析  污染源  河道治理
Classification, pollution characteristics and treatment strategy of the inflow rivers into Lake Yangcheng
Liu Shuai1, Xie Maorong1, Lv Wen1, Song Na2, Yang Hui1, Yang Wenjing1, Jiang Yu1, Bai Ruiquan1, Shen Yi1, Shi Shu1, Yang Jinyan1
1.Suzhou Branch of Jiangsu Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Survey, Suzhou 215011, P. R. China;2.Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China
In order to further reveal the source of pollutants in the inflow rivers into Lake Yangcheng and put forward corresponding countermeasures, this paper analyzed and discussed the water quality monitoring data of the inflow rivers into Lake Yangcheng from 2017 to 2021. According to the water quantity into the lake, 10 main rivers were selected for analysis. Among them, Baiqu Port, located on the east bank of Lake Yangcheng, which was the main outflow direction before the completion of the Qiputang dredging project, was selected as the main inflow river after the completion of the project, confirmed by hydraulic relationship between its flow direction and Qiputang diversion with Pearson correlation analysis. By using anomaly coefficient method, system clustering method and matter-element analysis method, the main inflow rivers of Lake Yangcheng were divided into three categories. The first category included four rivers: Baidang River, Litang River, Beihejing River and Yongchangjing River. The second category included three rivers: Weijingtang River, Jiejing River and Shijiadougang River. The third category included three rivers: Nanxiaojing River, Qiputang River and Baiqugang River. Factor analysis method showed that the factors of the first category of rivers were CODMn, NH3-N, DO and TP level, the pollution factors of the second category of rivers were NH3-N, TN, pH, TP and DO level, and the pollution factors of the third category of rivers were pH, TP, TN and DO level. Through the analysis of the water quality of the upstream river, document research, field investigation and other methods, it was concluded that the pollution sources in the first category of river areas were mainly industrial pollution sources and domestic pollution sources, the pollution sources in the second category of river areas were mainly industrial pollution sources and planting pollution sources, and the third category of river pollution areas were mainly land aquaculture pollution sources and planting pollution sources. In view of the overall pollution sources, it was recommended to carry out targeted management of various types of river areas by controlling point source pollution, reducing non-point source pollution, strengthening upstream river management, carrying out ecological management and restoration, and strengthening inspection and supervision, so as to improve the water quality of the river into the lake and lay a good foundation for the systematic and holistic management of Lake Yangcheng.
Key words:  Lake Yangcheng  inflow rivers  system clustering analysis  matter-element analysis  factor analysis  pollution sources  river management