





引用本文:张羿,王晗,马永梅,杜佳杰,龙靖潇,郎家锐,倪茂飞.溶解性有机碳耦合营养状态解析河流CO2动态及驱动因素.湖泊科学,2024,36(3):794-806. DOI:10.18307/2024.0326
Zhang Yi,Wang Han,Ma Yongmei,Du Jiajie,Long Jingxiao,Lang Jiarui,Ni Maofei.Deciphering riverine CO2 dynamics and driving factors coupled with dissolved organic carbon and nutrient status. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(3):794-806. DOI:10.18307/2024.0326
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张羿1, 王晗1,2, 马永梅3, 杜佳杰1, 龙靖潇1, 郎家锐1, 倪茂飞1,2
1.贵州民族大学生态环境工程学院,贵阳 550025;2.贵州省工程地质灾害防治工程研究中心(贵州民族大学),贵阳 550025;3.中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院,重庆 400714
为全面探索河流溶解性有机碳(DOC)与二氧化碳(CO2)动态及驱动因素的相关关系,以我国三峡库区河流——澎溪河为对象,于雨季和旱季采集表层水体水样,分别通过原位和室内测定,明确水文参数(水温、pH、碱度和流速)、DOC浓度和营养元素(总氮(TN)和总磷(TP))浓度,并计算水体CO2分压(pCO2)、水—气界面CO2交换通量和营养元素化学计量比(DOC∶TN、DOC∶TP和TN∶TP)。以河流CO2、DOC和营养状态动态变化为基础,通过对DOC、TN、TP、营养元素化学计量比和荧光峰(B、T、A、M、C、D和N)与河流pCO2的多维分析建立及评估潜在的耦合关系,从而揭示特定区域河流CO2的来源与驱动因素特征。结果显示,澎溪河水—气界面CO2交换速率在3.75~22.9 m/d范围内,雨季((9.91±4.93)m/d) > 旱季((6.69±4.30)m/d),pCO2在65.95~20642.41 μatm范围内,F平均值为(629.4±1426.8)mmol/(m2·d),河流总体表现为大气CO2源。水体DOC总体在1.42~7.88 mg/L范围内,且旱季((4.50±0.17)mg/L)>雨季((2.87±0.18)mg/L),TN在0.176~1.917 mg/L范围内,旱季((1.205±0.353)mg/L)>雨季((0.665±0.306)mg/L),TP在0.0003~0.169 mg/L范围内。在该流域雨季,类酪氨酸、类色氨酸和土壤富里酸占比显著高于旱季,而类腐殖质、微生物衍生腐殖质和生物生产力占比显著低于旱季。旱季水体pCO2与TP呈显著正相关,与营养元素化学计量比(TN∶TP和DOC∶TP)呈显著负相关,而雨季与生物生产力呈显著负相关,营养状态与pCO2存在季节耦合关系。生物代谢过程是河流CO2饱和的主要原因,而降雨能够促进这一内在联系。
关键词:  三峡库区  河流二氧化碳  营养元素  主成分分析  荧光峰  澎溪河
Deciphering riverine CO2 dynamics and driving factors coupled with dissolved organic carbon and nutrient status
Zhang Yi1, Wang Han1,2, Ma Yongmei3, Du Jiajie1, Long Jingxiao1, Lang Jiarui1, Ni Maofei1,2
1.College of Eco-Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, P. R. China;2.Guizhou Provincial Engineering Geological Disaster Prevention and Control Engineering Research Center of Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, P. R. China;3.Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, P. R. China
This study focused on the Pengxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China to comprehensively explore the correlation between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) dynamics and their driving factors in rivers. Surface water samples were collected during the rainy and dry seasons. The parameters such as water temperature, pH, alkalinity and flow velocity, along with DOC concentration and nutrients (total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP)) concentrations, were determined both in-situ and in the laboratory. The partial pressure of CO2 in the water body (pCO2), CO2 flux across the water-air interface (F), and the stoichiometric ratios of nutrients (DOC∶TN, DOC∶TP, and TN∶TP) were calculated. Based on the dynamics of CO2, DOC, and nutrient status in the river, a multidimensional analysis was conducted to establish and evaluate potential coupling relationships between DOC, TN, TP, nutrient stoichiometric ratios, and fluorescence peaks (B, T, A, M, C, D, and N) with river pCO2. This approach aimed to reveal the characteristics of CO2 sources and driving factors in specific regional rivers. We showed that gas transfer velocity of CO2 ranged from 3.75 to 22.9 m/d, which was higher in the wet season ((9.91±4.93) m/d) than that in the dry season ((6.69±4.30) m/d). River pCO2 varied between 65.95-20642.41 μatm, yield an overall CO2 flux of (629.4±1426.8) mmol/(m2·d). Aquatic DOC ranged within 1.42-7.88 mg/L, with a higher concentration in the dry season ((4.50±0.17) mg/L) in comparison to the wet season ((2.87±0.18) mg/L). Similarly, TN ranged from 0.176 to 1.917 mg/L, with a higher concentration in the dry season ((1.205±0.353) mg/L) compared to the wet season ((0.665±0.306) mg/L). The overall TP concentrations were in the range of 0.0003-0.169 mg/L. The proportions of tyrosine-like compounds, tryptophan-like compounds, and fulvic acids were significantly higher in the wet season than in the dry season, while we observed the higher humic acids, microbial-derived humic acids and biological productivity in the dry season compared to wet season. During the dry season, pCO2 showed a significant positive correlation with TP, and a significant negative correlation with the stoichiometric ratios of nutrients (TN∶TP and DOC∶TP). In contrast, during the rainy season, there was a significant negative correlation with biological productivity. This indicated a seasonal coupling relationship between nutrient status and pCO2. These observations highlight that biological metabolism highly constrain CO2 supersaturation in the river, and seasonal rainfall modulate the causal relationship.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir area  riverine carbon dioxide  nutrient elements  principal component analysis  fluorescence peaks  Pengxi River