





引用本文:卢小慧,吴潮峰,龚绪龙,王梦瑶,王磊,张海涛,卫岩曈,严子豪,武鑫.基于氡同位素的平原湖荡枯水期湖水—地下水补排通量.湖泊科学,2024,36(3):939-950. DOI:10.18307/2024.0345
Lu Xiaohui,Wu Chaofeng,Gong Xulong,Wang Mengyao,Wang Lei,Zhang Haitao,Wei Yantong,Yan Zihao,Wu Xin.Lake-groundwater recharge fluxes during dry season in plain lakeland based on radon isotopes. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(3):939-950. DOI:10.18307/2024.0345
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卢小慧1, 吴潮峰1, 龚绪龙2, 王梦瑶1, 王磊1, 张海涛1, 卫岩曈1, 严子豪1, 武鑫2
水是人类生存之源,而湖荡被称为地球之“肾”,是河湖水系连接的关键缓冲节点,与人类生存和发展息息相关。长三角平原水系众多,河流纵横,天然湖泊与人工沟渠遍布,平原湖荡湖水与周边地下水的水力联系较为频繁,而地下水对湖泊水均衡贡献尚不明确,对平原湖荡地下水赋存和运移规律的认识不足。本研究以苏州吴江区元荡湖为研究对象,选取氡同位素作为湖水和地下水水力交换过程的示踪剂,建立氡箱模型,揭示元荡湖不同区段与地下水的水力联系过程和补给关系,并通过水位动态验证分析湖水—地下水交互关系。枯水期元荡湖水位和氡浓度空间分布特征指示研究区内地下水向湖水排泄,其中以湖泊西侧较为明显,地下水入流补给的氡为7.137×106 Bq/d,输入量源项占比为90%,地下水流入量为4540.801 m3/d,地下水每日流入量对元荡湖水量的贡献率为2.551%。参数敏感性分析结果表明,风速与地下水222Rn活度为特别敏感参数,取值差异较大时会导致计算误差急剧增大,改善测点布置和提高模型参数精度能有效提高模型计算结果的准确性和可靠程度。借助氡同位素示踪方法,建立湖泊氡箱模型,是研究平原湖荡内地下水补、径、排特征的有效方法。本研究在一定程度上加深了对平原湖荡区域水量均衡的认识,有助于了解平原湖荡水均衡和水循环机制,为平原湖荡水资源开发利用与环境保护提供数据支撑。
关键词:  氡同位素  湖泊氡箱模型  地下水  湖水  水力交换  元荡湖
Lake-groundwater recharge fluxes during dry season in plain lakeland based on radon isotopes
Lu Xiaohui1, Wu Chaofeng1, Gong Xulong2, Wang Mengyao1, Wang Lei1, Zhang Haitao1, Wei Yantong1, Yan Zihao1, Wu Xin2
1.School of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, P. R. China;2.Jiangsu Institute of Geological Survey, Nanjing 210049, P. R. China
Water is the source of life, and wetland around lakes, known as the "kidney" of the earth, is a key buffer region that connecting rivers and lakes, and is closely related to human survival and development. The Yangtze River Delta Plain has numerous river systems, natural lakes and artificial channels, and frequent hydraulic connections between the lake water and the surrounding groundwater. However, the contribution of groundwater to the lake water balance is still unclear, and the law of the occurrence and migration of groundwater in the plain lake is not well understood. In this study, Lake Yuandang, Wujiang District, Suzhou were selected as the research object, while radon isotope was selected as the tracer of the hydraulic exchange process between lake water and groundwate. A radon tank model was established to reveal the hydraulic connection process and recharge relationship between different sections of Lake Yuandang and groundwater, and the interaction relationship between lake water and groundwater was analyzed through dynamic verification of water level. The spatial distribution characteristics of the water level and radon concentration in Lake Yuandang during dry season indicated that the groundwater in the study area drained into the lake, especially in the west side of the lake. The radon recharge of groundwater was 7.137×106 Bq/d, the input source term accounts for 90%, and the inflow of groundwater was 4540.801 m3/d. The contribution rate of groundwater inflowed to the water volume of Lake Yuandang was 2.551%. The results of parameter sensitivity analysis showed that wind speed and groundwater 222Rn activity were particularly sensitive parameters, and the calculation error would increase sharply when the value difference was large. Improving the arrangement of measuring points and improving the accuracy of model parameters can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of model calculation results. By means of radon isotope tracer method, the radon tank model of lake is an effective method to study the characteristics of water feed, diameter and discharge in the lake plateau. To a certain extent, this study provides deep understanding of the water balance in the plain lake swing region, helps to understand the water balance and water circulation mechanism in the plain lake swing region, and provides data support for the development and utilization of water resources and environmental protection in the plain lake swing region.
Key words:  Radon isotopes  lake radon box model  groundwater  lake water  hydraulic exchange  Lake Yuandang