





引用本文:杨文焕,张明宇,杨娅婷,徐龙,郭渊,马杰,李卫平.冰封期不同类型湖泊细菌与蓝藻群落组成及共现网络分析.湖泊科学,2024,36(5):1366-1379. DOI:10.18307/2024.0513
Yang Wenhuan,Zhang Mingyu,Yang Yating,Xu Long,Guo Yuan,Ma Jie,Li Weiping.Co-occurrence network analysis and community composition of bacteria and cyanobacteria in various types of lakes during frozen period. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(5):1366-1379. DOI:10.18307/2024.0513
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杨文焕1,2, 张明宇1,2, 杨娅婷1,2, 徐龙3, 郭渊3, 马杰1,2, 李卫平1,2
1.内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院, 包头 014010;2.黄河流域内蒙古段生态保护与综合利用自治区协同创新中心, 包头 014010;3.内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市生态环境局凉城县分局, 乌兰察布 013750
关键词:  冰封期  宏基因  群落结构  冗余分析  菌藻关系
Co-occurrence network analysis and community composition of bacteria and cyanobacteria in various types of lakes during frozen period
Yang Wenhuan1,2, Zhang Mingyu1,2, Yang Yating1,2, Xu Long3, Guo Yuan3, Ma Jie1,2, Li Weiping1,2
1.College of Energy and Environment, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, P. R. China;2.Collaborative Innovation Center of Autonomous Region for Ecological Protection and Comprehensive Utilization in the Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River Basin, Baotou 014010, P. R. China;3.Liang Cheng County Branch of Ecological Environment Bureau of Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ulanqab 013750, P. R. China
Lakes in cold climatic zones own unique biological community successions and reciprocal feedbacks between species during frozen period. As typical lakes in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River Basin, long frozen period provides a natural platform for the study of bacterial and cyanobacterial interactions under frozen conditions. Clarifying such interactions in different lakes can gain a deeper understanding of the functioning and dynamics of the aquatic ecosystems of the lakes under frozen conditions. To elucidate the bacteria-algae interactions of different lakes, this paper collected subglacial water samples from Lake Ulansuhai, Lake Nanhai and Lake Daihai. Bacteria and cyanobacteria and their community structure and relationships between frozen period were investigated using metagenomic sequencing molecular biology technology, redundancy analyses, Mantel test analyses and network analysis models. Results demonstrated that the four major phyla in the three lakes were Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria during the frozen period. The three lakes have significant differences in bacterial and cyanobacterial community composition at the genus level, exhibiting strong relationship with environmental conditions. It is noteworthy that salinity has a significant impact on the microbial composition in Lake Daihai, while ammonia nitrogen concentration imposes great impact on Lake Nanhai. The analysis of the bacteria-cyanobacteria network revealed that more complicated relationship in Lake Nanhai than the other two lakes. More bacteria and algae had competitive antagonistic relationships in Lake Daihai, which is known for its high salinity. Meanwhile, the bacteria-cyanobacteria networks in Lake Daihai and Lake Ulansuhai exhibited higher stability than those in Lake Nanhai. In order to better understand the abiotic factors affecting the co-evolution of bacteria and cyanobacteria, the aim of this paper to sort out the abiotic factors of dominant bacteria and cyanobacteria in the aforementioned three different types of lakes. It also analyzes the significant synergistic relationship between bacteria and cyanobacteria in the three lakes. Finally, it serves as a reference for anticipating and managing lake water issues during frozen period.
Key words:  Frozen period  metagenome  community structure  redundancy analysis  bacteria-algae interactions