





引用本文:江戈平,雷国良,朱芸,张文翔,于源,许丽红,杜垚华,李全聪,孙婉婷.杞麓湖孟氏螺蛳(Anularya mansuyi)壳体碳同位素记录的水体溶解无机碳变化.湖泊科学,2024,36(5):1436-1446. DOI:10.18307/2024.0524
Jiang Geping,Lei Guoliang,Zhu Yun,Zhang Wenxiang,Yu Yuan,Xu Lihong,Du Yaohua,Li Quancong,Sun Wanting.Changes in dissolved inorganic carbon recorded by carbon isotopes of the living Anularya mansuyi shells in Lake Qilu. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(5):1436-1446. DOI:10.18307/2024.0524
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杞麓湖孟氏螺蛳(Anularya mansuyi)壳体碳同位素记录的水体溶解无机碳变化
江戈平1,2, 雷国良1,2,3, 朱芸1,2,3, 张文翔4, 于源1,2, 许丽红1,2, 杜垚华1,2, 李全聪1,2, 孙婉婷1,2
1.福建师范大学, 湿润亚热带生态-地理过程教育部重点实验室, 福州 350117;2.福建师范大学地理科学学院, 碳中和未来技术学院, 福州 350117;3.福建师范大学稳定同位素中心, 福州 350117;4.云南师范大学, 高原地理过程与环境变化云南省重点实验室, 昆明 650500
关键词:  杞麓湖  孟氏螺蛳  碳同位素  水体溶解无机碳
Changes in dissolved inorganic carbon recorded by carbon isotopes of the living Anularya mansuyi shells in Lake Qilu
Jiang Geping1,2, Lei Guoliang1,2,3, Zhu Yun1,2,3, Zhang Wenxiang4, Yu Yuan1,2, Xu Lihong1,2, Du Yaohua1,2, Li Quancong1,2, Sun Wanting1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Eco-geographical Processes of the Ministry of Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, P. R. China;2.School of Geographical Science and School of Carbon Neutrality Future Technology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, P. R. China;3.Stable Isotope Center, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, P. R. China;4.Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographical Process and Environmental Change on the Plateau, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, P. R. China
Carbon isotope of gastropod shell carbonates in lakes is directly correlated with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in lake water, providing vital signals for the regional carbon cycle in lakes. Lakes are widely distributed in the central Yunnan region, and little is known about the DIC characteristics of these lakes. Anularya mansuyi shells are a unique genus of the lakes in central Yunnan Province. Here, two living Anularya mansuyi shells (QLH-A and QLH-B) were collected from Lake Qilu and their carbon isotope composition of shell carbonate (δ13Cshell), longitudinally along their growth span were studied to reveal possible dissolved inorganic carbon shifts in Lake Qilu's waters. Results showed that: (1) The δ13Cshell values could be used to identify the two Anularya mansuyi shells' growth in the mother's internal environment, the average values of δ13Cshell were -3.78‰ and -5.55‰, with ranges of variation of 2.07‰ and 3.03‰, respectively. In lake water environment, the average δ13Cshell values of the two shells were -2.90‰ and -3.28‰, with ranges of variation of 1.81‰ and 1.74‰, respectively. (2) During the period when Anularya mansuyi grows in the lake water, the δ13Cshell recorded the δ13CDIC characteristics of lake water DIC, indicating that the DIC of the Lake Qilu water body was mainly affected by atmospheric exchange and the biological system. The δ13CDIC values of DIC showed no significant seasonal variation in Lake Qilu. (3) Followed algal bloom, the organic matter decomposition caused by the death of aquatic algae in lake system would lead to negative δ13CDIC. Basing δ13CDIC records of 2012-2013, the negative δ13Cshell during the second half of 2013 was consistent with the Yunnan Drought Event in 2013 and revealed the δ13Cshell of the Anularya mansuyi had the potential to record significant changes in the lake ecosystem. The fossil shells of Anularya mansuyi are widely distributed around lakes in central Yunnan, and these fossil shells can be used as potential documents to identify the DIC characteristics of water bodies and changes in lake ecosystems during geological historical periods.
Key words:  Lake Qilu  Anularya mansuyi  carbon isotope  dissolved inorganic carbon