





引用本文:刘小光,姚仕明,柴朝晖,朱孔贤.湖泊与河流水文连通量化计算模型及其应用.湖泊科学,2024,36(5):1516-1524. DOI:10.18307/2024.0541
Liu Xiaoguang,Yao Shiming,Chai Zhaohui,Zhu Kongxian.The quantitative model and its applications for the hydrological connectivity between lakes and rivers. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(5):1516-1524. DOI:10.18307/2024.0541
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刘小光1,2, 姚仕明1,2, 柴朝晖1,2, 朱孔贤1,2
1.水利部长江中下游河湖治理与防洪重点实验室, 武汉 430015;2.长江水利委员会长江科学院, 武汉 430015
关键词:  水文连通  水体交换  水位变化率  量化模型  生态修复
The quantitative model and its applications for the hydrological connectivity between lakes and rivers
Liu Xiaoguang1,2, Yao Shiming1,2, Chai Zhaohui1,2, Zhu Kongxian1,2
1.Key Laboratory of River and Lake Regulation and Flood Control in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Water Resources, Wuhan 430015, P. R. China;2.Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430015, P. R. China
The quantitative analysis of hydrological connectivity between lakes and river systems serves as a fundamental guide for the conservation and management, and it represents a current focal point in the research on the ecological restoration of rivers and lakes. This paper introduces a quantitative calculation model for assessing the hydrological connectivity between lakes and rivers. The model requires minimal empirical or hydraulic simulation data for validation, enabling the quantification of hydrological connectivity in single or multiple connecting channels between rivers and lakes. Water level and its change rate are crucial parameters. The change rate of water level is linearly related to the intensity of water exchange, while the water level is positively correlated with the rate of increase. The proposed empirical formula for water exchange flow can effectively estimate the exchange flow between lakes and the Yangtze River. Under equivalent water levels and rates of water level changes, the efficiency of outflow from lakes to the Yangtze River exceeds that of inflow from the Yangtze River to lakes. The peak value of hydrological connectivity generally occurs at points of variation within the overall rising or falling range. Hydrological connectivity can be effectively increased by adjusting the process of water level rise or decline, which can guide ecological scheduling aimed at improving the aquatic ecosystem in lakes.
Key words:  Hydrological connectivity  river-lake water exchange  rate of water level change  quantitative model  ecological restoration