





引用本文:夏军强,张贤梓依,王增辉,陈翠霞,周祖昊.小浪底水库汛前调水调沙模拟与综合效益评估.湖泊科学,2024,36(5):1550-1561. DOI:10.18307/2024.0544
Xia Junqiang,Zhang Xianziyi,Wang Zenghui,Chen Cuixia,Zhou Zuhao.Modelling of the flow and sediment regulation processes before flood seasons in the Xiao-langdi Reservoir and evaluation of comprehensive benefits. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(5):1550-1561. DOI:10.18307/2024.0544
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夏军强1, 张贤梓依1, 王增辉2, 陈翠霞3, 周祖昊4
1.武汉大学, 水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室, 武汉 430072;2.西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院, 杨凌 712100;3.黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司, 郑州 450003;4.中国水利水电科学研究院, 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室, 北京 100038
为提高汛前调水调沙期多目标博弈过程中小浪底水库的综合效益,本文构建了调水调沙模拟与综合效益定量评估数学模型。该模型由3个模块构成,其中:水沙计算模块考虑库区明流与异重流输移及干支流倒回灌过程,水库调度模块衔接库区水沙计算和坝下泥沙冲淤计算,效益评价模块采用经济效益指标衡量水库的综合效益。采用2013年和2014年汛前调水调沙过程对该模型开展了参数率定和验证工作,计算结果可模拟异重流潜入、演进、出库的全过程以及水库调度和发电过程。根据历年调水调沙实践经验选取关键调度参数,最终拟定降低对接水位或减小壅水程度的5种方案,采用模型对各方案展开调水调沙过程计算和综合效益评价。结果表明,调度过程中改变对接水位和壅水程度在减淤效益和兴利效益间存在冲突。通过比较综合经济效益指标,最终推荐对接水位为222.57 m并减小库区壅水的方案作为优选方案,可获得最大的综合效益。
关键词:  汛前调水调沙  水库调度  综合效益  数值模拟  小浪底水库
Modelling of the flow and sediment regulation processes before flood seasons in the Xiao-langdi Reservoir and evaluation of comprehensive benefits
Xia Junqiang1, Zhang Xianziyi1, Wang Zenghui2, Chen Cuixia3, Zhou Zuhao4
1.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, P. R. China;2.College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, P. R. China;3.Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450003, P. R. China;4.State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, P. R. China
To improve the comprehensive benefits of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir in gaming among multi-objectives during the flow and sediment regulation processes before flood seasons, an integrated model has been proposed, which can simulate the flow-sediment transport in the reservoir area and quantitatively evaluate the comprehensive benefits of reservoir operation. The integrated model consists of three sub-modules, including: a flow-sediment transport module, which considers the process of turbidity currents and flow exchanges between the mainstream and tributaries; a reservoir regulation module, which serves as a connection between the flow-sediment simulation in the reservoir area and the calculation of channel deformation volume in the Lower Yellow River; a benefit evaluation module, which adopts an economic indicator to measure the comprehensive benefits. Flow and sediment regulation events in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir in 2013 and 2014 were used for model calibration and verification, showing that the whole processes of plunging, transport and venting of turbidity current, as well as the outflow and power generation processes, were in good agreement with the measured data. Key operation parameters were selected based on the practical experience of flow-sediment regulation events over the years. Based on the 2014 actual operation process, 5 new operation schemes were designed by reducing the connecting water level or decreasing the degree of backwater, and comprehensive benefits of these five operation schemes were assessed. Calculation results showed that the changes of connecting water levels and backwater conditions in a reservoir regulation process would have a conflict between sedimentation reduction and water conservancy. By comparing the economic indicators of designed operation schemes, the operation scheme with the connecting water level of 222.57 m and less backwater has been suggested for gaining higher comprehensive benefits in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir.
Key words:  Flow and sediment regulation  reservoir operation  comprehensive benefits  numerical simulation  Xiaolangdi Reservoir