





引用本文:任实,高宇,吕超楠,赵汗青,张成潇.三峡水库汛期排沙规律研究.湖泊科学,2024,36(5):1562-1571. DOI:10.18307/2024.0545
Ren Shi,Gao Yu,Lv Chaonan,Zhao Hanqing,Zhang Chengxiao.Sediment discharge characteristics of the Three Gorges Reservoir during flood seasons. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(5):1562-1571. DOI:10.18307/2024.0545
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任实1,2, 高宇1,2, 吕超楠1,2, 赵汗青1, 张成潇1
1.中国长江三峡集团有限公司, 武汉 430010;2.高坝大库运行安全湖北省重点实验室, 宜昌 443134
关键词:  三峡水库  汛期  排沙比  优化调度  泥沙淤积风险
Sediment discharge characteristics of the Three Gorges Reservoir during flood seasons
Ren Shi1,2, Gao Yu1,2, Lv Chaonan1,2, Zhao Hanqing1, Zhang Chengxiao1
1.China Three Gorges Corporation, Wuhan 430010, P. R. China;2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Operation Safety of High Dam and Large Reservoir, Yichang 443134, P. R. China
The sediment discharge during flood seasons is important to reservoir sedimentation management. By generalization theory deduction, this article analyzed the main factors affecting sediment discharge during flood seasons of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Based on measured water and sediment data, an empirical formula for the sediment discharge ratio during flood seasons of the Three Gorges Reservoir was established, and the risk of sediment accumulation under optimized flood seasons scheduling was discussed. Results showed that the incoming sediment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in flood seasons accounted for more than 90.5% of the annual incoming sediment, which was mainly concentrated during flood. The empirical formula for sediment discharge ratio during flood seasons was established. The sediment discharge ratio was influenced by both flow rate and water level, and had a good inverse relationship with the comprehensive influencing factors represented by the inflow and outflow of the reservoir and the water level in front of the dam. During flood seasons, the operation mode of “high inflow with low water level, low inflow with high water level” could be adopted to improve comprehensive benefits. This research could provide reference for sedimentation management and optimal operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.
Key words:  Three Gorges Reservoir  flood season  sediment discharge ratio  optimal operation  sedimentation risk