





引用本文:杨平,刘聚涛,胡芳,温春云,文慧,吴桨,付莎莎,戴国飞.风场对鄱阳湖丰水期表层蓝藻密度的影响.湖泊科学,2024,36(2):377-388. DOI:10.18307/2024.0213
Yang Ping,Liu Jutao,Hu Fang,Wen Chunyun,Wen Hui,Wu Jiang,Fu Shasha,Dai Guofei.Influence of wind field on surface cyanobacteria density of Lake Poyang in wet season, China. J. Lake Sci.2024,36(2):377-388. DOI:10.18307/2024.0213
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杨平1,2, 刘聚涛1,2, 胡芳1,2, 温春云1,2, 文慧1,2, 吴桨1,2, 付莎莎1,2, 戴国飞1,2
1.江西省水利科学院, 南昌 330029;2.江西省鄱阳湖流域生态水利技术创新中心, 南昌 330029
目前,在风场对蓝藻的影响研究方面,国内针对太湖、滇池、巢湖等浅水湖泊的研究较多,针对鄱阳湖的研究则多集中于蓝藻群落特征及其与营养盐之间的关系。近年来,作为长江流域重要的通江湖泊,处于轻度富营养化状态的鄱阳湖水体蓝藻水华在局部库湾和部分水域出现,风场如何影响鄱阳湖表层蓝藻密度是一个值得探讨的问题。2019-2021年,在鄱阳湖布设13~49个采样点,于平水期、丰水期和枯水期现场采集各个点位表层水样、藻类、风场和流场数据,分析风场对鄱阳湖丰水期表层蓝藻密度的影响。结果表明,2019-2021年鄱阳湖丰水期风速与表层蓝藻密度呈显著正相关性,风场对水体的充分混合及驱动水体形成的风生流是促进蓝藻生长的原因之一。在流速较高(>0.05 m/s)的区域,无论风速高于还是低于临界风速(3~4 m/s),鄱阳湖表层蓝藻密度的空间分布受流场的影响更大;在流速较低(<0.05 m/s)的区域,风速在临界风速以下时,鄱阳湖表层蓝藻密度的空间分布受风场影响更大。2019-2021年鄱阳湖丰水期蓝藻密度超过水华暴发的阈值,但在高风速高流速的共同作用下未能发生大范围的蓝藻水华,仅能在风速适宜(<3~4 m/s)、流速较低(<0.05 m/s)的内湾、尾闾区等区域发生小面积的蓝藻水华。鄱阳湖丰水期水体处于长江顶托的低流速且微风条件下时,发生大面积蓝藻水华的概率可能会明显上升。
关键词:  鄱阳湖  丰水期  蓝藻  水华  风场
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42161016, 32160305)、国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFC3209005, 2023YFC3208705)、江西省科技厅项目(20213AAG01012, 20212BBG71002, 2022KSG01004)和江西省水利科技项目(202223YBKT07, 202124ZDKT19, 202224ZDKT22, 202223YBKT11)联合资助。
Influence of wind field on surface cyanobacteria density of Lake Poyang in wet season, China
Yang Ping1,2, Liu Jutao1,2, Hu Fang1,2, Wen Chunyun1,2, Wen Hui1,2, Wu Jiang1,2, Fu Shasha1,2, Dai Guofei1,2
1.Jiangxi Academy of Water Science and Engineering, Nanchang 330029, P.R. China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Technology Innovation Center for Ecological Water Engineering in Poyang Lake Basin, Nanchang 330029, P.R. China
In terms of the study of influence of wind field on cyanobacteria, presently there are many studies on shallow lakes such as Lake Taihu, Lake Dianchi and Lake Chaohu in China, while the research on Lake Poyang focuses on cyanobacteria communities and their relationship with nutrients. In recent years, as an important river-linked lake in the Yangtze River Basin, Lake Poyang has been a state of mild eutrophication, cyanobacteria blooms have appeared in local reservoir bays, and how the wind field affects the surface cyanobacteria density is a question worth exploring. In 2019-2021, 13-49 sampling points were arranged in Lake Poyang, data on surface water quality, algae, flow and wind field were collected during the wet, normal and dry seasons. The influence of the wind field on the density of cyanobacteria on the surface layer during the wet season of Lake Poyang was analyzed. The results showed that, in 2019-2021, the wind speed during the wet season of Lake Poyang showed a significant positive correlation with the surface cyanobacteria, and the full mixing of the water body by the wind field and the aeolian flow were the one of the reason for promoting the growth of cyanobacteria. In areas with high flow velocity (>0.05 m/s), regardless of whether the wind speed was higher or lower than the critical wind speed (3-4 m/s), the spatial distribution of surface cyanobacteria density was more affected by the flow field. In the area with slow flow velocity (<0.05 m/s), when the wind speed was below the critical wind speed, the spatial distribution of surface cyanobacteria density is more affected by the wind field. In 2019-2021, the density of cyanobacteria in the flood period of Lake Poyang exceeded the threshold of bloom outbreaks, but under the combined action of high wind speed and high flow rate, a large area of cyanobacteria blooms could not occur, and only small areas of cyanobacteria blooms could occur in the inner bay and local area with slow flow velocity (<0.05 m/s) and suitable wind speed (<3-4 m/s). When the water body of Lake Poyang is under the top action of the Yangtze River, and the flow rate and wind speed is slow, the probability of large-scale cyanobacteria blooms will increase greatly.
Key words:  Lake Poyang  wet season  cyanobacteria  algae bloom  wind field